To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Jessica Frost Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Jessica Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Frost
Tags: Romance
didn’t need to hear any more to understand what happened and who would be coming, seeking revenge.

Chapter Nine
    “What do you think you’re doing?” Jacob said, grabbing Merlin’s arm.
    “I’m going to go back in there.” Merlin pointed to the tower door.
    “Are you mad? She’ll kill you!”
    “No, she cannot. And for the millionth time, will you lower your voice? She can hear you.”
    “Good. Then she’ll know we know what she’s up to and are ready for her.”
    Merlin huffed. “We took her powers away. Of that I am completely sure. She cannot harm us.”
    “Then why did she appear to me in the glass and say that?”
    “Because it wasn’t her.” Merlin combed his fingers in his hair, contemplating the possibilities.
    Jacob gave him a sideways glance. “Then who could it be?”
    Merlin placed his hand on the handle and unlocked the door. “I don’t know, but whoever it was is connected to Pondora in some way, and they will be coming to free her soon. It was a warning.”
    “A warning?”
    “Yes, and we need to find out who it is and how to defend ourselves.”
    “Brilliant. How will we do that?”
    As Merlin pushed open the door, he replied as he looked at Pondora, “By asking her.”
    Jacob’s mouth fell open in disbelief. How could Merlin believe their archenemy would tell them? She would instead use trickery and deceit. But it was too late now to stop his brother.
    From the frightened look on the beautiful sorceress’s face, she had heard every word of what he and Merlin discussed behind the closed door.
    Before Merlin could speak, she interrupted. “You must give me back my powers.” She looked at Jacob, not Merlin when she spoke.
    Jacob looked at Merlin before replying, “No, we will not.”
    The look of fear changed to one of anger. She crossed her arms. “Then we will all die.”
    “Who is it that is coming here?” Merlin asked.
    “A powerful and evil sorceress who seeks revenge.”
    Merlin laughed. “We figured that out, my lady.”
    “But why is she coming to save you?” Jacob asked as baffled as ever.
    She snarled. “Did you not hear me? Did I not say we will all die? Where did you get the idea she is coming to save me?”
    Merlin looked at Jacob, then at her. “Then why does she come to harm you?”
    “Because she comes to settle a score that happened over two decades ago. She will not rest until I am dead.” She looked at Jacob, then back to Merlin. “Once she kills me, she’ll kill you.”
    “Not if we vanquish her first.”
    “Then you are bigger fools than I thought you were a few moments ago. Her powers far exceed mine. You cannot vanquish her. Only a sorcerer whose powers equal hers can do that.”
    Merlin shook his finger in the air. “Ah, but you are wrong. We took your powers away, and you are the powerful sorceress Pondora.”
    Her eyes widened in shock as if her deep-hidden secret had been uncovered. But she didn’t say a word.
    Merlin laughed. “I bet you didn’t know we knew who you were.”
    She remained silent, transfixed on the wall behind them for a few moments. Her thoughts seemed a million miles away.
    A shudder passed through her, as Jacob could plainly see. It appeared as though someone had passed over her grave.
    She sighed and looked at Merlin. “Now I know how she knew I was here.” She pointed her finger up at him in anger. “You imbecile. You opened up the portal. The connection has been resurrected. She knows exactly where I am now. We cannot stop her.”
    “Yes, we can. We just have to look for a spell in our books,” Merlin said in a sure voice.
    Jacob looked at Merlin. His voice may have sounded confident, but the way he rubbed his thumb and forefinger of his right hand together told Jacob Merlin was nervous. It was a type of twitch Merlin had whenever he was very scared.
    Jacob felt exactly the same way. They were in over their heads.
    Merlin darted for the door without saying a word. Jacob shouted to him, “Where are you

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