To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Jessica Frost Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Jessica Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Frost
Tags: Romance
    “To check the books on spells and incantations.”
    “And what should I do, Merlin?”
    “Look after her and see that she doesn’t run away,” Merlin said as he gave her a quick glance before exiting.
    When the door closed behind his brother, Jacob focused on Pondora, fearing she would try to escape.
    Her bewitching blue eyes entranced him. She was quite breathtaking, more so than when he first glimpsed her in the spying glass. “A rose in perfect bloom” was the best title to describe her. But roses had thorns that if not handled carefully would prick people and make them bleed.
    Pondora’s thorns were dipped in poison. If he wasn’t careful with his every step, he would get pricked and die either a slow death or a fast one, whichever she saw fit.
    Gulping, he stood unwavering as she took sly, slithering steps toward him. Her gaze looking him over as if she were deciding which part of his body she would prick first.
    * * * *
    How can Merlin have a twin older than he? The question haunted Velona as she analyzed Jacob’s features. There was no doubt he was Merlin’s twin.
    She crossed her arms as her gaze took in all of him. “You cast an aging spell, or did Merlin use a youth spell?”
    “Merlin used a spell, not I.”
    A smile almost broke her lips, “So he is the same age as you?” It was a rhetorical question. The thought that Merlin was closer to thirty and five rather than twenty and five appealed to her. A young man is a fancy, but an older man is a charm. That had always been her saying, and it couldn’t hold truer than with Merlin. He was quite a charmer, and age and experience were a big factor in this, as is almost always the case with people.
    “Yes, thirty years and eight.” His brow lifted as if he were proud of his age.
    She had to admire that in Jacob. She wondered what he’d think if he knew she was actually a hundred and four. But the less the handsome sorcerer knew about the real her, the better for him, Merlin, and herself.
    She wondered how alike and how different these two sorcerers were. From his physique, Jacob was as muscular as his brother. They were also the same height. Their hair was quite similar, except Merlin’s was a tad longer, just past his shoulders. But from what she had seen so far of Jacob’s behavior, his character was the complete opposite of his brother’s. He was the serious one, the worrier, the one who seemed to overanalyze situations. Merlin, on the other hand, was the carefree twin, the one who looked at things with an air of optimism and enjoyed life to the fullest. His charm and the attraction she had with him told her that much.
    When he first played his charade, making her think he was Serona’s servant, she had found it odd that Serona would have him as her aide. He was too self-confident and strong willed to be serving her. And now that Velona knew he was a sorcerer, his odd and sure behavior made sense. She thought that, as well as his good looks, were what attracted, or rather pulled, her to him.
    Yet here she stood with his brother, and that same strong attraction cried out to her, too. It was a bizarre feeling indeed, one she never experienced before.
    No one had ever stripped her of her powers, so perhaps that was the cause for the insatiable need she had to be close to them, close enough to smell their manly scents and their...fear.
    Yes, she smelled that emotion in Jacob as he stood close to her in the tower. The scent spilled out of his pores. If she still had her powers, then his fear was merited, but she was powerless. Yes, he indeed was a worrier.
    Taking a deep breath, she then stared him in the eyes. “How did you do it?”
    “Do what?” He frowned.
    “Remove my powers. What spell did you use?”
    A fake laugh was uttered. “Do you think me a fool, Pondora? Why would I tell you that? So you could reverse the spell and then kill us both?”
    “No, so I could reverse the spell and save us all. Time is running out,

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