suckable, don't you think?"
"Don't push yourself too much.
3 rd Week December 2014
15 Dec 2014
"2.08%, $57.81. Good morning
"Is anybody still using Michigan?
If yes, forget it. 5 min ahead preorders? It won't work anymore.
Michigan received 2 million a year from Reuter. Quite cheap deal,
don't you think? That price indicates the impact of the news which
Michigan provides. 2 million a year. A price of gum."
"IEA expects the 230,000bpd
decrease of crude oil demand(from KCIC): $40 is not a joke. OPEC
started earning more by investment rather than selling. That's why
they don't care about petrodollars. They will not take them either.
So how can US pay for oil? A mystery."
"If anybody knows the answer,
please let me know * *:"
"FOMC 'law interest rate for a
considerable time'(from KCIC): so cautious about inflation because
it's about to be burst. Early redemption of US 10yr bonds. Check
who asked first. Jinping or Qatar."
"...John, do you know where
Christine is nowadays? She has been so quiet. It's about seasonal
time for her to appear to break that spaded pigeon's wings, no?
"Alert from KCIC. The sovereign
'Was that your problem? You
cannot understand passion, or in other words, obsession. Why do you
think apathy is higher intelligence?'
Ana asked herself.
"I took a nice and long nap as
I have neither kids nor housekeeping works. Did you take a nice and
long nap too, John?"
The day is darker than usual.
When Ana woke up from her nap, she did not know where she was. Very
quiet. A few noises from the street. Empty house. Messy garden. She
had nothing to do, so she went back to bed again.
'What a sad creature I am.'
She wanted to pull all her
hairs out. She is synchronized with the chart physically. She
thought if there is another credit crunch, she will become
clinically depressed according to the chart. She knew quite a few
committed suicide 2008. Not a kind place.
"John, is there a memorial
service today?"
"Ana, back to bed. It's just a
dish washing."
"By the way, do you like pork
cutlet in Jap style called Don Kass? Or are you playing
physiological game with me? I don't mind being a guinea pig as far
as you give some pleasure. Otherwise I will bite you as a
genetically modified chimp."
Ana was a first generation IVF
baby. She thought she was adopted. But her mum gave her a natural
birth. Egg and sperm unknown. She had identity crisis all the time.
Who am I? Where did I come from? Biologically? Shitty questions but
they never left her mind.
16 Dec 2014
"Monin, Monin :::"
"Putin's favorite game is Candy.
Level 17. Not happy with rubbles."
"AE is ready for 40 soldiers."
"SS has reached 30 mile port."
Ana's little summary:
'I did not know Petrodollars is
included in the 1tn budget. At this rate, they cannot make 1tn for
inverting government shutdown. OPEC wants to crush US government
with oil money. Very natural as a revenge. US almost destroyed the
whole Middle-East for oil money.'
"John, Let us see who is happy
today. I am not happy. And you?"
"Still in the subway."
"i tink im tik."
"Spell them properly."
"Ok. I think I am thick."
Ana thought,
'Why am I the last one always? Why
am I the last one to know that all these terror shits are American
jobs. They even killed their own people. 911. So obvious. Give us
oil or we kill you as terrorists. The actual reason behind this is
that OPEC refused and will refuse dollars as payment. Petrodollar
is the back bone of Texans, ie, Republicans. No money, no power.
Their back will be bend backwards. That American Shit! Back to
Colorado! You are making me have bleeding piles. When I had
internal hemorrhage, there was Fukushima accident 311. I do not
know what will happen if I have external hemorrhage.'
The reason. US tried to open a
route to get their troops out from Afghanistan. Pakistan asked a
lot of money. Syria is blocked. Iran, no way. During last 10 years.
10 years ago, Saudi Arabia first refused dollars as payment for
Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, Rebecca Latham