To Steal a Prince
jolt that they might be. If the prince takes private cars and goes everywhere with his protection, how is he supposed to make real friends?
    “Oh,” Nic says, “I forgot about the girl.”
    Damon’s eyes narrow. “What about her?”
    “Varna’s ready to see her. He’s waiting in her room.”
    The prince looks at me. “We shouldn’t keep Varna waiting. But I want to get this secured.” He pats the briefcase. “Nic, could you escort Grace to her room?”
    Nic turns to size me up. “It’s only what I’m best at.”
    I don’t have time to say goodbye before Damon hurries off through the main doors. I grip my bag’s strap. What if I don’t see him again before I leave?
    “Ready?” Nic asks. “Don’t keep the good doctor waiting.”
    I can’t help but gaze after Damon, trying to catch one last glimpse before the doors close.
    “All right.” Nic nudges me hard enough that I stumble forward. “His Highness isn’t going to vanish into thin air.”
    Reluctantly, I let him lead me away from the prince. Nic opens the side door for me, sarcastically waving me through.
    “Thanks,” I say. “I’ll see you later.”
    “Oh no, Missy. I’m at your service until you reach your destination. And you’d better get used to my pretty face, because if you want to keep Damon around, you need to keep me around.” He stops, leaning close and forcing me to really look at him for the first time. I barely hold back a gasp as I see a wicked scar that twists under his eye and across his cheek.
    “That’s right.” He continues marching down the hall. “It’s not all the lollipops and rainbows that you’ve seen so far in the palace. It only takes one moron who’s not a fan of the monarchy for your gravy train to end.”
    “Excuse me?” I refuse to go any farther with a thug who thinks I’m a gold digger. “I’m not in this for anything. In fact, I’m trying to leave.”
    “Uh huh. I’ll believe that when I see it.” The bodyguard lengthens his stride, forcing me to trot to keep up with him. “You may fool everyone else, but you’ll never fool me. I won’t forget your first escapade, Lady Leadfoot, and I’ll be on the lookout for more.” Nic stops in front of my blue door. “Here’s a word of advice. Don’t ever let your guard down, because I’ll be watching. At the first sign of trouble, I’ll make sure your exit is clean and swift.”
    His words make my stomach drop.
    “Ah, Doctor Varna! How good to see you! I’ve brought you your patient.” From the way Nic strolls into the room, one would think that he was just telling jokes about puppies, not threatening me.
    “Are you all right, Grace? You look a little green. Come, sit here.” The doctor pours me a glass of water. I take it, sitting gratefully. My knees are feeling a bit wobbly.
    “She’s had a busy day. Running around with the prince, and leaving me behind to make things more exciting. It must be so annoying to wait for someone who could save your life.”
    Varna looks over his glasses. “Thank you, Nicolai.”
    “You’re welcome, Doctor.” The bodyguard bows. “I need to find my Primary. When I let him wander off, there’s no telling what trouble he’ll get into.” Nic leaves, but not without one last pointed look at me.
    “Relax, Grace. Breathe. Like this.”
    I feel the tension slowly seep from me as Varna guides me in a series of breathing exercises. My shoulders relax, and I almost feel like a person again.
    “You’re going to want to remember those,” Varna says, “especially if you stay at the palace for any length of time.”
    “The palace is fine. I don’t think Nic likes me, though.”
    Varna wraps a cuff around my arm to take my blood pressure. “He means well. But his job is stressful, and the prince doesn’t make it easy for him. A bodyguard likes to keep distractions to a minimum.”
    My throat tightens with the cuff. “That’s all I am to him, a distraction?”
    “Remember to breathe.” Varna takes a

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