To Steal a Prince
reading, then lets the cuff relax. “That’s better. Give him time. His heart’s just as big as the rest of him.”
    Now I am annoyed. It’s hard to dislike Nic after such a testimonial. Varna runs me through another battery of tests. He shines lights at me, pokes me and prods me, but doesn’t find anything wrong.
    “Remarkable,” he says as he packs his bag. “I saw photos of the crash. I wouldn’t have guessed that anyone survived, let alone escaped with a single scratch. You aren’t even sore today?”
    I shake my head.
    “You’re a lucky girl, Grace. Let me know if anything starts hurting. I’m sure Damon will let you stay as long as you’d like, but you could leave now if you want to.” By the glint in his eyes, I can tell he doesn’t expect me to.
    Varna hurries to the door. In a palace this big, I’m sure he has more patients to attend.
    “Thank you,” I blurt out.
    He pauses on the threshold, then bows low. “Good luck, Grace.”
    Then I’m alone.
    I wish Gabe were here. He could tell me what to do next. I don’t want to leave Damon, but part of me is afraid to stay here. The room is bright, airy, and quiet as a tomb. I need shadows to cover my movements, dim lights so no one can quite remember my face. In my first few minutes of meeting Damon, I wrecked his 4.8-million-dollar car. I’ve never had more than 48 dollars in my bank account at any one time. How can I stay in a place where the showerhead probably costs as much as Gabe’s flat?
    Walking onto the marbled terrace, I squint in the sunshine. I have a view of green hills that roll away from the palace. Damon would probably let me go there, if I wanted. I’m not sure what I would do. Pick wildflowers? Frolic? But why should I get to do that when people in the city are fighting for every inch of space they can get? I turn my back on the incredible view. I don’t deserve this.
    Grabbing my bag, I stride to the door. It’s time to leave, whether Damon likes it or not. The knob turns before I reach it.
    The prince enters, almost plowing into me. “Sorry! Didn’t see you there.” His eyes flick over my bag. “Going somewhere?”
    “Yes, actually. I think it’s time I went home.”
    “Oh, yes. Of course.” Sadness flashes over his features so fast that I’m sure I imagined it. “Will you at least stay for dinner?”
    Why is it so hard to refuse him? He’s probably never been rejected in his life, and he deserves to be refused at least once. Still, his face is so eager. I can’t leave him just yet.
    “All right. One dinner.”
    “Wonderful! I’ll inform the dining staff.” He grins at me, and his pleasure is so infectious that I can’t help but smile back. How does he do this to me?
    “It will be a formal dinner, but don’t worry about mixing up the salad and dessert forks. No one will notice. Just try to have fun.” Damon gestures to someone in the hallway. “I’ve enlisted Eris to help you get ready.”
    To my horror, the girl in gray enters. She adjusts her red hair, flashing me a defiant look.
    “Grace, this is Eris. Eris, this is Grace Sparrow.”
    The girl curtsies. “How do you do, Lady Sparrow?”
    “Fine.” I school my expression. Just what I need, another person who doesn’t like me.
    “Eris will escort you to the dining room when it’s time. I’ll leave you to prepare.” Damon starts closing the door.
    “Wait!” I cry.
    Damon freezes. “Yes?”
    I try to breathe. I don’t really want to be shut in with an angry maid. “What am I supposed to do until dinner?”
    “You only have two hours. Don’t worry, Eris is here to help you get ready.”
    I’m speechless. Damon must take that for acceptance, because he closes the door on me.
    “Two hours?” I sit heavily in a chair.
    “Sorry it’s not more time,” Eris says.
    “More time? Why do I need two hours? Can’t I just throw on a dress five minutes before?”
    The girl takes a brush from her pocket, and starts attacking my hair with it. “Not

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