To Tempt A Rogue

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Book: To Tempt A Rogue by Adrienne Basso Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Basso
“The lawyers keep telling me to be patient, but that becomes more difficult each day. Especially when I see how neglected and despondent the children have become.”
    McTate’s face lit with concern. “Is your uncle mistreating them?”
    â€œWorse. He is completely indifferent to them. To their needs, to their grief, to their feelings. I believe that eventually his neglect will cause them all actual harm.”
    Duncan McTate let out a long, low whistle. “Saints preserve us, laddie, you sound like an old woman, worrying about the feelings of a bunch of children.”
    â€œThey are not just a bunch of children. They are Robert’s son and two daughters. My brother’s dying wish was that I care for them, and so help me I shall do everything within my power to fulfill that promise.”
    Nathaniel stared hard at the Scotsman and felt his stomach plummet with frustration. If he could not make a friend like McTate understand how important this was, what chance did he have of convincing a magistrate?
    Lord Avery’s stare turned to one of exasperation. “You aren’t saying anything.”
    Duncan stroked his chiseled jaw. “I’m just trying to imagine you caring for a trio of children. Two of them female, no less.”
    The quip brought a smile to Nathaniel’s face and the tension drained from the room. Lord Avery picked up the wine bottle and refilled both goblets.
    â€œIs your uncle keeping you from seeing the wee ones?” McTate asked as he shifted to expose more of his body to the warm fire.
    â€œNo. I visit them every afternoon in their nursery. It is hardly an ideal situation, but when the weather improves I plan on taking them on outings to the park and around town. Perhaps such adventures will put small smiles back on their faces.”
    â€œIt doesn’t sound so dire.” Duncan idly swirled his glass. “Visiting them most days and bringing a bit of cheer and caring into their young hearts. If you want my opinion, I think you are making too much of who has legal custody. Let them remain Bridwell’s problem. ’Tis more important for you to be a presence in their lives. And if your uncle knows you are keeping a close watch on him, he might be forced to act in a manner more appropriate for a guardian.”
    Nathaniel took a long moment to think hard upon the words. Why not just let things stand as they were? His uncle would not be so foolish as to physically harm the children. Thus far Lord Bridwell had voiced no objections to Nathaniel’s daily visits and if he kept a close eye on the estate finances, Nathaniel could ensure that the money would be there when the children came of age.
    This court battle was proving to be a far more lengthy and costly endeavor than Lord Avery anticipated. And the outcome of a victory was far from assured, especially without the will that supported his claim of guardianship. McTate’s advice was sound, yet the idea of abandoning those three helpless souls to Lord Bridwell’s care did not sit well.
    Nathaniel’s throat tightened. If the situation were reversed, if it were his children who were suddenly orphans that were under the protection of a guardian who cared so little for them, what would his brother have done?
    Nathaniel shook his head slowly, knowing in his heart the answer. Robert would have intervened. Without hesitation, he would have taken the children into his home and nurtured them as his own.
    Could he do no less for Robert’s progeny? “Letting Bridwell remain in control is the coward’s way out,” Nathaniel insisted. “Besides, he might one day take it into his head to deny me access to the children and I’ll have no way of stopping him. I believe the only way to secure their future is to establish myself as the legal guardian as soon as possible.”
    McTate frowned. “If your uncle has no real regard or feeling for the children, why does he want

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