To Yank a Tiger by the Tail

To Yank a Tiger by the Tail by Bobbi Romans Read Free Book Online

Book: To Yank a Tiger by the Tail by Bobbi Romans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobbi Romans
Tags: Romance
ending up at Sparrow’s family home, drunk, with her brother?
    Suck it up, buttercup. You’re a competent woman, not a child. Act like it.
    Zhara hit the power button and took a deep breath.
    Five messages.
    Message one from Dax begging her to call him back.
    Message two, from Dax asking for her to at least text him she was all right.
    A text message from Dax. Zhara, please call me , followed by a sad-faced emoticon.
    Message four, the simple words, “I love you.” Nothing more.
    Message five, from one of the few close friends she had, Charisma. Zhara’s heart sped up and she tapped the accept message.
    “Hey, girly, hate to interrupt your hump-along weekend, but I need to ask a quick question. So, whenever you take a breather from that stud of yours, call me.”
    “Ready?” Starl asked through the adjacent bathroom door.
    “Yep. Let’s go.” Zhara would call Charisma back when they got to the cafe.

Chapter Seven
    Dax yanked his pants back up while he explained to Fin what he’d discovered on his run.
    “Damn, dude. Sparrow’s folks? Are you sure?” Fin asked, understanding the full ramifications of the news.
    “Not enough to start a war between the families, but that’s why were heading there now. To find out.”
    “And if she hooked up with Starl? What then?”
    Dax claws burst through his knuckles and ripped the leather armrest to shreds. “I don’t know.”
    “Fuck, man. This is going to rip this town in two. You get that, right?”
    “Would you walk away from your mate?” Dax asked through aching gums. His tiger itched for freedom, and his fangs pushed painfully as the desire to shift again rode him hard.
    “No, I suppose not,” Fin muttered, pushing the pedal to the metal in the direction of the Long’s bed and breakfast.
    A short ride later, and they’d pulled up in front of the elegant, rustic B & B.
    “Dude, odd as this will sound, I think you should let me do the talking,” Fin offered.
    Dax rolled his eyes. “You implying you’re the more responsible one?” Dax coughed out on a laugh.
    Mrs. Long came out with a covered basket in her hands and approached them with a wary expression. “Dax? Fin? What brings you boys out this way?”
    “We were looking for a friend of ours. Kinda had a misunderstanding,” Fin volunteered, shooting the older woman a bright smile.
    “A misunderstanding, you say?” Mrs. Long had a wise gleam in her eye. “Can I give you boys an honest piece of advice from an old woman?”
    Dax only wanted to know if Zhara was or had been there, but he bit his tongue and nodded in a courteous manner.
    “Anything for a lovely lady such as yourself,” Fin gushed, laying it on too thick.
    Mrs. Long snorted at Fin’s feeble attempt to seem innocent and sweet. “When a lady is angry, it’s best to give her some cooling-down space. You push too hard—well, the end result may not be what you hoped for.”
    Zhara had been there. Question was, did she remain still?
    “No, Dax, she isn’t here. If you love her, let her breathe. If the love is true, she’ll come back.” Mrs. Long winked at him. “Now, if you boys will excuse me, I’ve got some truffles to find for supper.”
    Dax started to ask where Zhara was now, but deep down understood the older woman was right. He suspected she wouldn’t have answered him anyway.
    “Now what?” Fin asked, fidgeting behind the wheel, obviously as antsy as Dax was to resolve this and get on with whatever he had planned for the day.
    “Fuck if I know.” After a lengthy pause, Dax added, “I guess head back home. Maybe Mrs. Long is right and pushing to find her will only screw things up worse?”
    “Depends,” Fin stated.
    “On what?”
    “Whether you’re okay with the fact she’s out strolling around with Starl.” Fin raised one blond eyebrow as if questioning the likelihood Dax could truly sit back and wait.
    “For now. If we haven’t heard from her by tonight, we go out again,” Dax admitted in a

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