Torchwood Long Time Dead

Torchwood Long Time Dead by Unknown Read Free Book Online

Book: Torchwood Long Time Dead by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
    breathe. She hasn't run like this since school and
    that was too many years ago now. Why did she go
    out with the girls? Why did she listen to Gary that
    it was a good idea for her to let her hair down? It
    wasn't seeming like such a good bloody idea now.
    The thing growls and she can almost feel its hot
    breath. It had been her taxi driver. Her stupid taxi
    driver. She'd got in, still laughing, waved goodbye
    to Gillian and Kate, and given him her address.
    Her feet had ached then. If she got out of this alive
    then they were going to need a good long soak. She
    giggled again.
    Thank God she'd got out when he changed.
    When he turned round and she saw his awful
    burning face and he'd reached for her. Please God,
    she thought, as she pushed herself to get around
    the corner up ahead, please God let me get out of
    this alive. Please God, I don't want to die, please
    God, and what the hell is it anyway -
    She rounds the corner and collides with
    someone's chest.
    'Getoutofmyway! Getoutofmyway!' she screams
    as panic takes over. It's coming, it's coming and if
    she doesn't keep running...
    'It's OK.' Arms wrap round her. 'Owen, what
    are you doing?'
    *Sorry. My eye's not in on this thing yet. 'A sound
    rushes past her. Air. Movement. Then a howl of

    'That's better. Got him now.'
    A female laugh. If your aim is that bad no
    wonder the toilet in the Hub is always such a
    'Save the jokes, Tosh. They don't suit you.' A
    pause. What the hell is it anyway? Not seen one
    like that before.'
    Her heart thumps as the voices, and two sets
    of footsteps, move past. She keeps her head buried
    in the chest of the man whose arms have stayed
    wrapped around her.
    'Just get it contained and in the SUV. 'His chest
    vibrates when he speaks and she finds it comforting.
    She's going to live. She's alive. She starts to cry all
    over again.
    'Yes, boss.'
    When he finally pulls back, he's smiling. Blue
    eyes, dark hair and a grin that could set Hollywood
    alight. You're safe now,'he says.
    'Who are you?' she mumbles, aware that her
    mascara has no doubt run down her face and that
    she's soaked in sweat. Not a good look for a woman
    past 30. She wonders why how she looks suddenly
    matters when barely five minutes ago she was just
    desperate to stay alive.
    I'm Captain Jack Harkness,' the man says,
    and she loves the American lilt in his voice. 'That's
    Owen Harper, and the lovely lady carrying the box
    is Toshiko Sato.' Rebecca watches as the man and
    woman nod and smile at her as they head to the
    rear of their large black car.
    'But who are you?' she asks again, as her

    heartbeat slows to somewhere near normal. 'And
    what was that... thing?'
    'Us? We're Torchwood. 'He grins. 'Now come and
    tell me exactly what happened. Then we'll make
    you a nice cup of tea and get you home.'
    Torchwood. She stared into the black bag. A void of emptiness. The tea. They'd made her tea, and it made her forget everything. Been chased by muggers, that's what she told Gary when she got home. She'd laughed it off. It had all been vague.
    Muggers. She was sure. She'd been chased by something anyway. Gary had been surprised at how quickly she'd got over the ordeal. So had she, but it had simply slipped from her memory over a few days. Become like a dream.
    She thought of the woman outside. The shadow in her wake. Her heart thumped. The shadow was Torchwood business. Where were they? Gone.
    She knew it. Who would save them all when the shadows grew longer? When that place came?
    She gasped, her hands flying to her mouth as she caught a glimpse of what would come to pass. She thought of the American in the greatcoat. Captain Jack. You're safe now. That's what he had said.
    She wasn't safe. Not at all.
    Behind her the pan was boiling over, steam rising in the small room. She didn't notice. Her mind was lost in what she knew of the shadows.
    Her foot had touched it. Now, with her mind and memory unlocked it was as if she could truly see

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