Torn (Demon Kissed #3)

Torn (Demon Kissed #3) by H.M. Ward Read Free Book Online

Book: Torn (Demon Kissed #3) by H.M. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. Ward
expression on his face shifted. The smile smoothed out and his eyes were locked with mine. “Ivy, I’m an angel.”

      Stunned, I stared at him with my mouth hanging open. “What?” I squeaked. I don’t know what I expected him to say, but that wasn’t it. “That’s not possible! You’re in Hell. Angels don’t live here. I think the Lorren smacked you in the head one too many times.” My lips twisted into an uncomfortable smile. Was this why he was so intimidating? There was something about him that was so overwhelming, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. Now, looking at him—even with his confession—I still couldn’t believe it.
    Walking down the wall, he began to pull back the golden flowers that hid the prophecies, concealing them completely with golden vegetation one at a time. He spoke over his shoulder while he did it, “You’re very astute,” he teased. “No, most angels don’t live here, but I do. Let’s just say I’m a remnant of the old guard.” There was a smirk on his face as he said those last words.
    A chill ran through me, as my stomach lurched. The old guard? Some very scary angel had occupied parts of the Underworld after Kreturus was defeated nearly two thousand years ago. They were the twisted freaks who left the Guardian at the Pool of the Lost Souls, and set traps to keep the demons contained within their world and out of mine. They were merciless. Their traps were cruel, but extremely effective. Still stunned and increasingly weary of this boy, I managed to whisper, “So you’re an angel named Lorren, huh?” He smiled, nodding. I watched him as he moved the golden vines in front of him, not really paying attention to what he was doing. My mind was spinning faster than I could think. If he was an angel, and was left here by the old guard, it was possible that he didn’t just live in this hideous maze. Dread filled me as words flew out of my mouth before they fully formed in my mind, “You made the Lorren, didn’t you? The angels left it here. It wasn’t something that was made by demons. The Lorren was made by you.” There was an accusatory tone to my voice. I hated this place. The person who made it was one screwed up bastard. And yet, it was this guy—and he was an angel. Confusion contorted my face, although I tried to hide it.
    He finished covering the last painting and turned back toward me. “Yeah,” he laughed, “I’m an arrogant bastard, and after I finished with it, I named it after myself. Seemed like a good idea at the time. The Lorren was the strongest defense to hold back the demons. No one has passed through it and lived—except you.” He flicked a glance at me and scoffed, “And I seriously wonder how that was possible.”
    I shirked off his jab and said, “That’s why you can live here, and the magic of this place doesn’t affect you? It’s not because you defeated the Lorren, it’s because you are Lorren.” He nodded. I looked at him again, as if seeing him for the first time. He was an angel that was living inside a tomb. In Hell. I folded my arms and looked up at him, suspiciously. “So, did the angels kick you out, or what? Why are you down here?” Eric had told me that all the old guard pulled out. There weren’t supposed to be any remaining angels down here anymore—hence the hideous traps.
    Lorren shrugged and began walking back down the golden passages that we passed through before. I followed him, still wary, not knowing what to think or if I could believe him. It was so weird. Why would he stay here? I wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. Everything from the cold, damp air to the eternal night made me feel twitchy, like I was trapped in a tomb. Why would anyone stay here by choice? Lorren walked with a confident stride, but his shoulders slumped forward a little bit like he thought he was too tall. I raced to keep up with him.

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