that she instantly wanted to explore, but was too scared to touch in case she broke them. She had always been a tad clumsy. If something was expensive, you could guarantee that she would break it. Hell, it didn’t even have to be expensive.
Stepping away from the doorway, the door reappearing behind her, she took a better look at the things on display and knew exactly whose room this was… Torq's.
How she knew that she had no idea, but deep down, seeing the strange array of weapons within the collection, she knew that this space belonged to him.
Taking a seat upon the bed she gazed at the many treasures Torq had showcased on the shelves inside the walls. In the other rooms, all the compartments were hidden, but it seemed that Torq had removed the coverings to allow him to see the items he stored within. She recognised a few bits and bobs from Earth, but it was obvious that the majority of it was from places she had never dreamed existed.
How long she sat there gazing at it all she had no idea, but when the door suddenly vanished and she came face to face with the male of her dreams, literally, she realised that however long it had been, it had been too long.
"Where have you been?" he demanded, entering the room with a snarl.
Okay, that had not been the question she had thought would be first from his lips. She had expected something more along the lines of ‘what are you doing in here?’
“I... I... I'm sorry,” she stuttered, not from fear but from nervousness. Having had now two exotic dreams about him, she was kind of nervous. Hell, she really hoped her face wasn’t red.
“Corr was going to give me this room and I just thought I would check it out,” she explained. “I didn't know it was taken when I headed here.”
“What’s wrong with the room you have?” he asked.
“I never said there was a problem.” It was as if he could read her mind. She hated the room she had been given. It was cold and lonely, not like this one. This room felt almost welcoming.
When he continued to stare at her as if waiting for her to say more, she continued. “It just doesn’t feel right.” How could she even begin to explain how she felt?
As he stepped completely into the room, the door once again appearing out of nowhere to seal them in, she gazed into his eyes and felt her sex tighten. She needed to be filled. Wanted to be… and that didn’t scare her? With any other male she would have been terrified at her body’s reaction, but not with him, not anymore. Why was that?
Hell, she was alone in a room with a member of the opposite sex, be him from another species, and she wasn’t running away, wasn’t even worried. Instead of fear all she felt was arousal and need. She had a really strong urge to close the distance between them and seal her lips to his.
What would it be like to kiss him? To feel his lips against my own, his fangs sharp against my tongue?
The growl that released from his throat snapped her out of her wonderings and back to reality, but it also sent another wave of pleasure to her core.
“I can scent your arousal, Alice. I’m a strong male, I have brilliant control, but even I have limits,” he warned as he took a step back as if unsure of himself.
He wanted her, that much was obvious, even more so by the large bulge encased in his leathers.
Oh my. From what she could see, he was as large as she had imagined in her dreams.
“What if I don’t want you to remain in control?” she whispered, almost choking on her own tongue in shock that she had actually said that. Was she insane?
“Alice,” he groaned, “You don’t know what you are asking for.”
Maybe not, but she knew she would regret it if she didn’t. “Corr told Nora he thinks I’m your mate. Am I?” She held her breath, her figures crossing at her sides – a habit that she had had since childhood. She didn’t know what she would do if she wasn’t, if he turned her away.
Okay, yes she did. She would be straight off