Torq's Acceptance (Chaetdorian Mates Book 2)

Torq's Acceptance (Chaetdorian Mates Book 2) by E.M Reders Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Torq's Acceptance (Chaetdorian Mates Book 2) by E.M Reders Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.M Reders
to find that one that was in charge, the one that had made them choose and beg to be allowed to go home. If Torq didn’t want her, then she didn’t want to stay. He was the only thing right now that made any of this bearable.
    When he remained silent, she felt her eyes pool with tears. He didn’t want her.
    “Don’t do that,” Torq said, stepping forwards and cupping her cheek with his large palm. Her breath caught in her throat at his touch. “You are my mate, Alice. But that doesn’t mean that I’m right for you.”

Chapter 9
    “Why wouldn’t you be right for me?” Alice asked, her eyes wide.
    How did he even begin to explain this? “I'm a Slayer, Alice. Do you even know what that means?”
    “Yes. Nora told me all about the different tribes. Explained what you were, what your job was.”
    “Then you see why I have kept my distance from you. You deserve so much more than me. I know you have been hurt, beaten. I could see it in your eyes the night we met.”
    “Torq, that doesn’t mean…”
    “You were scared of me, Alice. Terrified. The horror on your face that night when that male grabbed you. I knew instantly that someone had treated you badly. Do you have any idea what it would do to me if I was the one that caused that look upon your face? It would kill me.”
    “I wasn’t scared of you,” she whispered, her eyes darting away.
    She wasn’t? Torq was pretty sure he had seen fear in her eyes when she had gotten her first look at him. But he didn’t sense a lie now.
    Turning her face back to his, he waited for her to meet his eyes then asked? “So what made you scared?”
    Her face flushed with embarrassment and she tried to look away again, not that he would allow her. “Alice?”
    “I’d seen you before.”
    “What? Where?” How could she possibly have seen him before? It had been years since he’d left the hidden tunnels and entered the human world.
    “In my dreams,” she whispered so softly that even he struggled to catch her words.
    “You’ve dreamed about me?” He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth.
    “Yes, before and after meeting you.”
    “What were the dreams about?” he asked, already having a very good idea if her sent was anything to go by. Her arousal had been growing steadily since the moment he had touched her. There was no going back now, he couldn’t. Neither of them was going to leave this room until she was well and truly claimed.
    Her pulse was racing, her eyes dilated. “You were… and then I was…”
    “We were having sex?” She wouldn’t say it, but he would.
    “Not exactly. We were…”
    “Come on, tell me.”
    Taking a deep breath, pulling her shoulders back, she met his eyes. “The first time you were pleasuring me. Then just a few hours ago, I dreamed that I was pleasuring you. But I woke up just as it got to the best part.”
    They’d had the same dream? How could that have been possible?
    As he stood there, gazing into her beautiful cobalt eyes, he lowered his head and took her lips in a gentle kiss.
    “You’re not scared of me?” She shook her head. “Are you sure you want this? Because there is no going back. I will claim you. But know this; I will never hurt you, never harm you in any way, be it physically or emotionally. You are my life, Alice. My reason for being. You are mine to treasure and protect. Mine to love.” And he did love her, more than she would ever know.
    At the mention of love her eyes widened, her breath hitched in her throat. On the human scale of things he may be moving too fast, but for a Chaetdorian, he was a little behind on the claiming front.
    “I'm sure. I’ve always had a kind of six sense about things. I’ve always been able to tell when danger was just around the corner. When something bad was going to happen. I feel safe with you, Torq. I’ve never felt that way with anyone. I know deep down in my heart that I can trust you, that you will never harm me,

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