and index finger. Play around with it like one of those tiny scraps of paper you find yourself mindlessly rolling into a ball on occasion. However, be mindful of the finger action. Ask her if she’d like more or less pressure.
Give the clit a break every now and then by pulling the clitoral hood back and forth with your thumb and index finger. The friction cre- ated by this type of stimulation will be powerful, and you may find her catching her breath. Head nods from her are perfectly acceptable at this point when trying to gauge what feels good to her.
Carry on by holding and squeezing the clitoris between the thumb and index finger of one hand. Use the middle and ring fingers of either hand in a rubbing motion along the clitoral shaft. Note: Her clitoris may not be long enough for this move, and that’s okay.
Other moves you can use during clitoral stimulation may include arching your thumb backward to stimulate the clitoris while inserting your middle and ring fingers into her vagina. If you’re able to rhythmically provide pressure to the inner front wall of her vagina at the same time, you may trigger a reaction from her G-spot (which we’ll discuss in the next chapter). Longer hands may be able to simultaneously stimulate the rec- tal area in place of the vagina. When doing this, move the middle and ring fingers the same way you moved them in the vagina.
Always thoroughly wash the fingers and hands that you’ve used to stimu- late the anal area before inserting (or reinserting) them into the vagina. Failing to do so may transmit bacteria that can cause infection.
You can also try placing the heel of your hand on her mons pubis, ex- erting pressure as you move it back and forth during clitoral stimulation. This will create different sensations, especially in the clitoral hood’s
movements. Also, stroking, rubbing, or tugging at her inner and outer vaginal lips will produce a variety of feel-good reactions.
A woman does not experience a refractory period after orgasm, during which she is unable to become aroused again. Rather, she can experience her full sexual-response cycle again and again, making it possible for her to climax more than once. So don’t be afraid to stimulate the clitoris as much as she can handle it throughout the course of your sexual encounter.
“Hero worship” warning.
Although the clitoris can produce amazing results, don’t worship it. Becoming too consumed with only this spot can cost you points in other lovemaking areas. A woman likes to feel sexy all over, worshipped for the sensuality of her total body and not just reduced to a single spot. So make sure you take the time to show off the breadth of your stimulation skills by paying attention to other parts of her body as well.
Ask away.
In learning about your partner’s clitoris, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Hopefully she’ll welcome the opportunity to let you know how her body is responding and what does and doesn’t seem to move heaven and earth for her. So as you stimulate her, go ahead and ask her things like: “Do you want more pressure?” “Is this too in- tense?” “Am I hurting you?” Have her help you out by telling you what feels incred- ible for her at that moment and throughout sex play. Encourage her to show you. Reassure her that she can tell you when it’s too much as well—you won’t be in- sulted. It’s important to stay in tune with each other, since what can be highly satis- fying for her one minute can be excruciating the next. What is too fast early on may be too slow as she approaches orgasm. And what may satiate her on one occasion may get a “thumbs down” the next. The clitoris can be, mmmm, shall we say, a bit temperamental at times.
Oral Action for Clitoral Pleasure
One of the best ways to attend to this goddess spot is to perform cunnilin- gus—oral sex on a woman. There are a number of positions a couple can utilize to provide