Trail of Fate

Trail of Fate by Michael Spradlin Read Free Book Online

Book: Trail of Fate by Michael Spradlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Spradlin
anything, I knew he was coming. I had no doubt he had taken a ship from Tyre and followed us. Sir Hugh was cunning. It would have taken him no time to secure a ship and supplies, and he could have left just a few hours after we had. Until he was sure we were dead or lost in the storm, he wouldn’t stop looking.
    â€œWhat are you thinking?” Maryam asked.
    Robard kicked dirt on the fire and grabbed his bow.
    â€œI’m thinking about Sir Hugh,” I said.
    â€œWhat about him?” she asked.
    â€œHe will follow us here. He won’t just assume we drowned in the storm. Once on shore, he’ll go to the nearest commandery and put out word he is searching for us. Maybe even offer a reward. It’s not safe for us to find a port anymore.”
    â€œOh? And what would you suggest we do? Walk home?” Robard said.
    â€œYes,” I said.
    â€œYou must be joking,” Robard said.
    I shook my head.
    â€œAll right, forget that for an instant. Why would Sir Hugh care so much about a squire?” Robard asked. “If he did follow us, he saw the storm. What would make him keep coming after you? Why wouldn’t he assume our rickety ship had sunk, and us with it? What do you have that makes him take after you with such determination?”
    Part of me wanted to tell them exactly why. After all this, they’d earned the right to know. But I couldn’t forget my pledge to Sir Thomas. The fact that I carried the most sacred relic in all of Christendom must remain my secret. Luckily, for once I had thought ahead and prepared a story.
    â€œSir Hugh wants power. He wants to be Master of the Order. In Acre, he was accused by Sir Thomas of breaking Templar law. I carry evidence of this, the written testimony of Sir Thomas and a few other knights. If this knowledge becomes known to the current Master, Sir Hugh is finished. This is why he wants me dead. I buried the evidence in the alley in Tyre before we went to the Commandery and retrieved it before we left. I swore to Sir Thomas I would see this duty through. I’m following the last order of my knight.”
    â€œYet in Tyre you only told them Acre was lost. You didn’t present your evidence to the Marshal there,” Robard said, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.
    â€œI didn’t know if he could be trusted. Sir Hugh was already there, and Sir Thomas thought word must be sent to warn the Master alone. And to do so I must return to England.”
    â€œSo you lied to us?” Maryam interrupted. “You kept the true nature of your mission a secret from us. Why?”
    â€œIf we had been caught or Sir Hugh had captured us before we got to Tyre, it was better for you both if you didn’t know anything. He is after me, not you. If I’d told you or if he suspected I’d told you, you’d be in even more danger.”
    I tried hard to confuse them so they wouldn’t focus on specifics. I wanted to get moving and leave this discussion behind us. My story was full of holes, and all I could do was make Sir Hugh out to be an evil and manipulative villain and hope they would concentrate on him.
    I held my breath. Robard and Maryam were studying me. My gaze never dropped from their eyes. If they demanded to see the evidence I carried, I was safe with Robard, for I knew he could not read. I didn’t know about Maryam. She had been born a merchant’s daughter, and if she could speak English, she might be able to read it as well. If they wanted proof, I was in trouble. Sir Thomas’ letter said nothing about Sir Hugh.
    The sun had fully cleared the horizon now and was burning away the early morning mist. We had to get moving. But I waited while Robard and Maryam considered my words.
    â€œSo if we accept your story, how do you intend to get to England?” Robard asked skeptically.
    â€œI have thought about this. Since the ports are the first place Sir Hugh will look, I think we go overland, north to the

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