need to embrace our uniqueness and not compare
ourselves with others. A rose is beautiful in its own way as a daisy and a sunflower. They are unique. It’s
not until we fully understand, embrace and accept our individuality that we will truly shine.
My tips for dealing with jealousy:
– Identify what is making you jealous and why.
– Sit with it and accept it.
– Instead of focusing on the negative feeling jealousy can produce, look at it as an act of motivation.
By doing this you will be less likely to concentrate on the things you don’t have and develop the
drive to obtain the things you want.
– Take time to appreciate what you have.
– Get it out of your system. Write down how you feel, or talk to someone about it. This is better than
letting these feelings bottle up where they can do more damage.
– Stop comparing yourself with others. Always keep in mind that everybody is different and unique
in their own way. Make a conscious effort to think about your own good qualities and your own
– Be accepting of yourself.
Getting Personal:
– Who are you jealous of?
– What is underneath your feelings of jealousy?
– How can you transform these negative feelings into positive action for yourself?
relationships are your strengths…
Relationships in your life can vary from smooth and easy to temperamental and challenging. They don’t
just begin and jump straight to ‘happily ever after’. Relationships take time, acceptance and effort to grow
into something beautiful. I have found that the best relationships are founded on trust, honesty and
communication. If one of these elements is lacking, relationships crumble. I strongly believe that the
beliefs and values you hold about yourself and your life are reflected in all your relationships. Your
relationships with others can tell you a lot about yourself.
Sometimes when I’m facing challenges in a relationship I wonder if I would be better off being on my
own to find peace. Then I realise it is precisely those challenging relationships that help me become a
better version of myself.
Relationships force us to look at our least desirable qualities or traits so we can recognise them. Just as
rocks bumping into each other in a stream eventually polish each other smooth, life polishes us through the
challenges of our relationships.
This does not mean we should stay in relationships that we’ve outgrown. Sometimes the highest way to
honour ourselves is to walk away when the relationship no longer meets our needs. One of the hardest
things I’ve had to do in my career was change agents. This was a difficult decision to make, as my agent
was someone I was personally fond of. In the end I needed to let it go because it wasn’t satisfying my
business needs.
Respect yourself… If you don’t respect yourself, how can you expect others to? If you are continually
beating yourself up about every mistake you’ve ever made, the people around you will focus on the same
and criticise you as well. Once you begin to value yourself, others will start to value you too. The truth is;
if you treasure yourself, everyone else around you will recognise your worth. The people in your life will
only treat you as well as you treat yourself. This applies to any type of relationship you have with other
people, and is sometimes especially obvious with a romantic one.
My advice when it comes to dating is to be true to yourself and know what you want. If a date doesn’t
call you back, realise that it’s obviously not meant to be and let it go. After a bad dating experience, be in
control of the things you are thinking about and you’ll realise that your thoughts are creating your reality
and the way you feel. You can either start picking apart the relationship and everything that went wrong,
or you can learn from what happened and be a better person for it.
Mending a broken heart… In my experience, when a relationship ends,