
Trefoil by M C Moore Read Free Book Online

Book: Trefoil by M C Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: M C Moore
being true and why would Mom lie to us?"  Meckenzie said the last sentence with pain in her eyes.  She was hurt by her mom's leaving, but she still didn't think that her mother would lie.
    "Why would she leave us?" Kellan looked at her arm, "I just don't know."
    Isabel interjected, "So let's say for the arguments sake that the letters are true.  Let's also say that Taggart healed your arm this morning.  And that each of you has a special gift that was bestowed upon you through your family lineage.  You must understand above all else, that your mother loved you and if it was not for the war that is waging now in our land, she would be here.  Deidra would never want to hurt you.  She would never lie.  Now, let's hear your dream Meckenzie.  I think I can help explain a few things."
    Meckenzie began to recount her dream.  Explaining that it had been happening for weeks and that until last night it had ended when the woman had placed the Heather plant in her mouth and disappeared.  Then she went on to tell them about last night’s dream.  The fact that it was their mother in the dream and the fact that she exited the Trefoil Arch.   Meckenzie also explained how she had seen the lockets around her mother's neck. 
    Isabel set plates of food in front of the family.  She paused a moment after Meckenzie's story.  Trying to find the words to explain what Meckenzie had seen.
    "Your gift allows you to see the past, it would seem.  You have seen your mother's journey to this world before you were born.  Deidra came through the passage at the Trefoil Arch.  She came here to find you," she said pointing at Lawrence.  "Your grandmother had left Aquinas to start a family amongst the humans.  She knew that the time of the war would be upon our people in less than a century.  Her idea was to come here and start a family so that the blood line might live on, even if our people were destroyed.  Several families did this." 
    "She brought a fairy tale book, we saw it last night."  Taggart added.
    "Yes, though to us, it is not fairy tales as you would think of, it is our history.  The war that began the incubation of gifts was fought over power.  The Clan Tine, also known as Fire Fairies, have long coveted the land of Aquinas.  It was once the High Kingdom of all fairies.  There King Treigold ruled all the clans.  He was a fair and just king, but his son only wanted power.  He set out to acquire an army, and from the Clan of Tine he drew much of his warriors.  He wished to rule, though his father was still King.  When he marched upon Aquinas, the king met his son on the hills with only a small contingency of soldiers.  He banished him from Aquinas and threatened to bind his powers if he did not leave and never return.  The fight never happened, and King Treigold separated the Clans into four distinct governments set to rule themselves.  The Water clan, which you came from, held the land of Aquinas in the North and has lived there ever since.  The Tine Clan, or fire clan, was relegated to the south.  The Earth clan, or the Talamh clan, took the land to the west.  The Air Clan, or Aeris, took the east."
    "Each clan built their strongholds and began to brace for the eventuality of war.  The Talamh built fortress of earth in the mountains.  They have a beautiful city built upon a cliff that is only accessible through a series of tunnels that run deep into the mountain.  The Aeris can control the wind and are quite ingenious.  They have built floating islands that dwell among the clouds.  The Tine have built their homes of fire and metal, using the hottest volcanoes to forge the metals to build their fortresses."
    "King Treigold's son, who was known as Trienan Raven, dwelt with the Tine.  He stroked the fires of their jealousy by claiming that Aquinas should belong to them.  They forged weapons and armor and trained to kill.  This was new to the fairies, as it was never our way."
    "Trienan created an army

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