Trinity Blacio

Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds Read Free Book Online

Book: Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Embracing the Winds
before he headed for the front of the store. Luna watched his ass as he left to grab the cart. God he had a fine ass .
    Why thank you baby. I think yours is great too, one I can’t wait to sample. Aeolus whispered.
    “Luna come here and say hello to Aeolus Sr.” Luna snapped her head up and grinned. We’ll see about that.
    Aeolus Sr. was just as big as his son, but powerful. His power surrounded her as she walked towards them and reached out his hand to her’s. He laughed and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly.
    “Welcome to the family daughter. I must admit, you look just like your mother. I don’t know if my wife mentioned it or not, but we knew your parents. When your father was killed, we lost contact. My wife and I took off for a while with the kids and when we came back, I found out what had happened, but it was too late to save your mother.” He stared down at her with sorrow in his eyes.
    “I’m so sorry. Your mother was so close to Cyane. She helped her when she spent time on Earth. I owed your father and mother so much. They took her in, and watched out for her, and our sons. Of course this was before you were born.”
    Luna tried to hold back her tears, while she listened to the story. Aeolus pulled her out of his father’s arms and held her.
    “It’s okay baby, I know it still hurts. Look, I got you another cart. You can fill it up all the way to the top if you want. I already put the coffee pot in it,” he whispered into her neck and kissed her softly.
    Luna laughed as a single tear slipped down her cheek and she looked up into his face. “I heard you own a club here on Earth,” she whispered in his ear, “I’m afraid I don’t have much experience when it comes to those things, Aeolus. When were you going to tell me about this master business?” Luna giggled.
    He kissed her cheek and wiped away her tear. “So mother has told you about my club? It shouldn’t surprise me. I hear we have dinner arrangements later.” He leaned back down, whispering into her ear. “After dinner we’ll show you how good a master I truly am. Of course you’ll wear our collar soon and you don’t have to worry. The training will start tonight. We’ll go to my club and I’ll show you off soon. Now come on, let’s finish this shopping.”
    “Wait a minute, you just said ‘we’ll’ and ‘our?’” She glared at him. “What aren’t you telling me?”
    Aeolus smiled and kept on walking. He’s ignoring me, what the hell?
    Luna couldn’t believe it, she had both carts full, and he just laughed as the cashier rang up her purchases for a total of $3640.95. She smiled and looked at Aeolus and said, “He’s paying the bill. I just shop.” Cyane laughed, along with her mate.
    Aeolus swatted her sore bottom and smiled. He pulled out a credit card and handed it to the sales lady. He leaned down and whispered, “You can shop as much as you want, as long as it keeps that smile on your face.” Luna slugged his arm.
    “That hurt, you jerk.” She rubbed her butt.
    “Luna, wait till I take you shopping in our world. Oh, you will have a ball. We can go to the spa, get massages, and facials. I have always wanted a daughter to do all of this with. I can’t wait.” Cyane smiled as they totaled her purchase.
    Her purchases only a few dollars shy of Luna’s. They all laughed walking out the door. His brother’s followed close behind them.
    “Aeolus, will your brothers be with us long?” she asked. She didn’t want to sound nasty.
    “They will be with us for a while. We still don’t know who is behind all these attacks. Even after I scanned the leaders mind, we had nothing. We didn’t find the one from our world, but we will. I hope you don’t mind.”
    “No, I was just curious. Do they have mates?” Luna asked.
    “Nope and we don’t need one. We have seen enough to know we don’t need the headache,” Boreas said.
    She turned to him and calmly stated, “So I am a headache, am I?” They had

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