Triple Jeopardy

Triple Jeopardy by Rex Stout Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Triple Jeopardy by Rex Stout Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rex Stout
Tags: thriller, Crime, Mystery, Classic
could use.
    Wolfe shrugged. Confronted with omniscience, I bow. My motives are often obscure to myself, but you know all about them. Your advantage. If that was his errand, he failed. You told him nothing.
    Right. Our files are for us, not for private operators. My coming here tells you that weve got a hand in this case, but thats not for publication. If you didnt want to get into our line of fire you certainly stumbled. But officially its a Manhattan homicide, so Im here to listen. He nodded at Cramer. Go ahead, Inspector.
    Cramer had been holding in with difficulty. Holding in is a chronic problem with him, and it shows in various ways, chiefly by his big red face getting redder,
    with the color spreading lower on his thick muscular neck. He blurted at Wolfe,
    Honest to God, Im surprised! Not at Goodwin so much, but you! Subornation of perjury. Attempting to bribe a witness to give false testimony. Ive known you to take some fat risks, but holy saints, this aint risking it, its yelling for it!
    Wolfe was frowning. Are you saying that Mr. Goodwin and I have suborned perjury'
    Youve tried to!
    Good heavens, thats a serious charge. You must have warrants. Serve them, by all means.
    Just give it to him, Inspector, Wengert advised.
    Cramers head jerked to me. Did you go last evening to the apartment of Delia Devlin on Fifty-first Street'
    Its hotter than yesterday, I stated.
    I asked you a question!
    This is infantile, Wolfe told him. You must know the legal procedure with suspected felons. We do.
    Just give it to him, Wengert repeated.
    Cramer was glaring at Wolfe. What you know about legal procedures. Okay.
    Yesterday you sent Goodwin to see Delia Devlin. In your name he offered her ten thousand dollars to testify falsely that she saw Fifi Goheen take the pillbox from the table, remove a capsule and replace it with another, and put the box back on the table. He said the money would be supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Rackell and would be handed her in currency after she had so testified. I shouldnt have said subornation of perjury, I should have said attempt. Now do I ask Goodwin some questions'
    Id like to ask him one myself. Wolfes eyes moved.
    Archie. Is what Mr. Cramer just said true'
    No, sir.
    Then dont answer questions. A policeman has no right to make an inaccurate statement to a citizen about his actions and then order him to answer questions about it. He went to Cramer. We could drag this out interminably. Why not resolve it sensibly and conclusively'He came to me. Archie, get Miss Devlin on the phone and ask her to come down here at once.
    I turned and started to dial.
    Cut it, Goodwin, Wengert snapped. I went on dialing.
    Cramer, who can move when he wants to, left his chair and was by me, pushing down the button. I cocked my head to look up at him. He scowled down at me. I put it back in the cradle. He returned to his chair.
    Then well have to change the subject, Wolfe said dryly. Surely your position is untenable. You want to bullyrag us for what Mr. Goodwin, as my agent, said to Miss Devlin; the first thing to establish is what was actually said; and the only satisfactory way to establish it is to have them both here. Yet you not only didnt bring her with you, you are even determined that we shall not communicate with her. Obviously you dont want her to know whats going on. Its quite preposterous, but I draw no conclusion. Its hard to believe that the New York police and the FBI would conspire to bamboozle a citizen, even me.
    Cramer was reddening up again.
    Wengert cleared his throat. Look, Wolfe, he said, not belligerently, were here to talk sense.
    Good. Why not start'
    I am. The interest of the people and government of the United States is involved in this case. My job is to protect that interest. I know you and Goodwin can keep your mouths shut when you want to. I am now talking off the record. Is that understood'
    Yes, sir.
    Good here.
    See that you keep it good. Arthur Rackell told his aunt that he was

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