Tropical Storm

Tropical Storm by Stefanie Graham Read Free Book Online

Book: Tropical Storm by Stefanie Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stefanie Graham
have fought for her but . . . ” Cairo’s words trailed off as he lost himself briefly in the memories.
    “But what?” Tyrone prompted.
    “But she already had a man;a rich one. You know the story. I couldn’t trust her after that.” The words came out slowly and were fullof bitterness as if the years had sharpened instead of dulled the edges.
    “Maybe there was some kind of mistake.” Tyrone ventured.
    “There was no mistake!” Cairo dropped his hands to his sides and turned and gave his cousin a hard look. “I asked her and she couldn’t deny it. The ripped shreds of our marriage certificate are all that is left of our relationship.”
    “Wow.” Tyrone shook his head.
    “Yeah, I know. It’s a very sad story.” Cairosaid dryly. “I don’t look back. I can’t afford to. One thing that I learned from that fiasco is not to put any trust in that woman. Back then I had so many plans for us, but they never saw the light of day. Any hopes, any dreams I had, Jessica destroyed. Uptown and downtown, water and oil, those things don’t mix and neither do we. I know that now.”
    “But she’s back. Maybe she’s changed.” Tyrone said, always the optimist.
    Cairo looked incredulouslyat his cousin. “Are you crazy, Tyrone? Have you seen her? Jessica is a disaster waiting to happen. Six years or sixty won’t change that.”
    If Cairo knew nothing else, of that he was certain. The thought had no sooner left his mind when the object of their conversation appeared in the doorway.
    “Hello stranger.” Storm greeted him brightly. Leaning against the doorjamb of his office, she looked as breezy and fresh as a summer’s day. Her hair was swept up in a waterfall of sensuous curls and her white linen wrap dress hugged her lovingly in all the right places. She was breathtaking, despite this; Cairo barely spared her a glance before turning back to his work.
    Tyrone got up and quietlyleft the room.
    “What do you want?” He asked, not looking up from the papers on his desk. “I thought I had ample security in the hotel. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were stalking me.”
    “I am stalking you.” Storm said impertinently, before gliding into the room and planting her bottom on top of the papers on his desk. “But after I told security I was your wife, they let me right in.”
    Cairo looked up sharply and Storm rewarded him with a smile of triumph when their eyes finally met.
    Although he was seething inside, he tried to stay calm. “You were never my wife. One day of disgrace and foolishness is not considered a marriage, thank God. I would appreciate it if you’d stop spreading rumors. Between you and your son, you’ll have everyone in the parish believing I have an illicit secret family. Why are you here?” he asked curtly, dragging a file out from under her bottom. “I thought we’d said enough to each other for one day.”
    Storm shrugged unconcerned. “Yes, I agreed to stay out of your way but that was earlier. Why are you trying to avoid me?”
    “I’m not avoiding you.” Cairo denied heatedly before taking a deep breath and counting to ten. “I have a hotel to run and that keeps me busy. Unlike you, I’m not here on holiday. I have towork for a living.”
    Storm leaned in close to him and placed her fingerunder his chin lifting his gaze to meet hers. “Don’t run away from me, Cairo. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.” She whispered as if they’d been separated a few hours instead of a few years.
    At her words, he jerked away from her. The abrupt movement sent several of the files on his desk crashing to the floor.
    “Don’t!” Cairo said through clenched teeth. “Don’t think you can come in here and play these mind games. I’m not a toy that you pick up and discard on a whim. I’m a man with real feelings. While you merrily went on your way to happily ever after I had to struggle to pick myself up and start again. It wasn’t easy. I could have gone back to the

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