Tudor Reunion Tour

Tudor Reunion Tour by Jamie Salisbury Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Tudor Reunion Tour by Jamie Salisbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Salisbury
its fullest. Not that she would know what was going on. As I laid
her down in the crib in the extra bedroom, I kissed her on the cheek and
whispered ‘Merry Christmas’ to her.
    Taking her milk bottles to the
refrigerator, I dropped them in and shut the door. I uncorked the half empty
bottle of Cabernet and poured myself a glass. Kicking off my sandals, I padded
back into the main room. I collapsed into one of the large overstuffed rattan
chairs, easing my feet up onto the ottoman.
    Amadeus was seated in the matching
chair, drinking a beer he’d brought along with him. He was never one to do
family things without me, so it didn’t surprise me to see him sitting there.
His angular jaw was clenched and he was eyeing me as though he was trying to decide
the next step in our conversation.
    “Amadeus, I want to hear no mention at
all about this tour tomorrow or for the remainder of our stay. This is our
first vacation in ages, and I won’t have her ruining it any more than she
already has. If she starts up, I’ll walk away just as I did tonight. Damien
needs to grow a pair and put a muzzle on her.”
    “No, if anyone needs to toughen up it’s
you, Zara. You’ve never been as emotional as you are right now.”
    Well that went over well.
    “If I’m emotional, A, which I don’t
think I am, it’s because of Julia. This is Christmas. It’s supposed to be a
vacation, not a business meeting. I refuse to let her turn it into her show.”
    His jaw was clenched, but he sat down on
the sofa across from me and took a long pull off his beer. “Okay, fair enough. You’re
right about that, but Zara, don’t belittle Damien. We don’t know all the facts.”
    “No, we don’t, but it’s obvious who’s
running that relationship. Enough about them. Can we just enjoy the holiday?”
    Christmas day was quiet and enjoyable.
Gifts were exchanged among the immediate family and, of course, Santa had come.
The idea this year had been more about the exotic location than the actual
frenzy of gift giving. Amadeus and I embraced the idea, having already decided
we would gift each other at a later date with something mutual that we both
desired. Perhaps another vacation.
    I was sitting on the porch of our
cottage, enjoying the view of the sea. Elizabeth was down for a nap, and
Amadeus was in the company of his brothers, discussing this albatross called a
tour I was certain. Grace and Julia remarkably were off walking the beach
together. Their sudden bond had my curiosity piqued. On the verge of falling
asleep from pure laziness, I jolted upright at the sound of someone walking
along the porch. Peter.
    “Mind if I join you, Zara?” He sat in
the chair next to mine and stared out at the landscape.
    “Of course not, Peter. I always enjoy
your company, although I’m surprised you’re not down enjoying the beach.”
    “I will a bit later. I thought I’d stop
by and see how you’re doing. I know you’re having to deal with a lot with this
tour idea of Julia’s and all.”
    “ Pfff ,” I
replied taking a sip off my glass of lime water. “That’s putting it mildly. I
just can’t get over how everything has gone three sixty on me, how everyone is
embracing Julia and her idea.”
    “Things aren’t always as they seem,
Zara. Remember that and let this tour happen. I know it’s hard; you’ve been
next to Amadeus every step of his career. Let him do this tour with his brothers.
Let Julia assume control. Let what’s going to happen, happen. Trust me.”
    “You’ve all got a plan, huh? You’re
baiting her, setting her up for a fall? And I take it Grace is not privy to all
of this?”
    “Yes, yes, and Grace only knows enough
to play along, but she’s better off not knowing everything until afterwards.”
    “So you’re telling me to let Amadeus
sign this ludicrous contract and go on this tour while I sit home and lick my
wounds. Because you know damn good and well, Peter, Julia is going to be in my
face from here on out, making

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