Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover

Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover by Lynn Kelling Read Free Book Online

Book: Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover by Lynn Kelling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Kelling
the back of his skull. “Excuse me, I’m gonna go find someone less mean to hang out with.”
    He made a big, dramatic show of turning his nose up at Presley, still leaning there like a handsomely chiseled statue decorating the gym rather than a person working in it. Instead, Luka headed over to the hallway that ran by the enormous exercise room he was currently in, connecting the locker rooms to the pool entrance and yoga studios.
    All of a sudden, someone went past, moving across the doorway from right to left—someone blond, model-gorgeous, slim and toned, wearing only a pair of form-fitting black yoga shorts which hid absolutely nothing.
    Luka stopped in mid-step, gobsmacked.
    “Did you
see that
?!” he hissed over his shoulder before literally bolting after the blond like a big, gangly, shameless oaf.
did I just say to you?!” Presley shouted after him. “Hopeless.”
    Luka caught up to the blond, getting a quick eyeful of honey-colored hair streaked with lighter bleached strands, longer at the top, shorter around his ears and in the back. But it was the guy’s face that wiped all sense and intelligible thought from Luka’s mind. Ridiculously defined cheekbones, cleft chin, strong jaw, lips so plump they almost didn’t make rational sense, but really it was the eyes—a bright, startling blue and framed with long eyelashes, eyes that were almost feminine and delicate despite the very masculine body accompanying them—that sealed Luka’s fate.
    “Uh,” Luka said stupidly in greeting. He realized he had grabbed the guy’s arm and thought to himself,
I should let go
. But found he couldn’t. His brain and body were not communicating well enough to accomplish that. “Hi.”
    “Hi.” The blond tossed his hair back out of his eyes and smiled with those plump lips, and it was such a breathtaking sight that Luka actually whimpered a little. Audibly.
    “Jeez, I’m sorry. What’s the matter with me? I’m Luka. I work here, and damn. You’ve probably got a girlfriend and I’m probably an ass, but can I buy you a drink sometime?”
    The blond chuckled; his smile got wider and more heartfelt. “You’re cute.”
    A huge, dimpled grin of pure delight transformed Luka’s face and he straightened, recovering in an instant thanks to the compliment. “I can work with cute.”
    “Brennan. I’m, um, I’m Brennan.” He extended a hand and Luka shook it with both of his, amazed at how comfortable Brennan seemed in his own skin even with such insignificant clothing on. He radiated calm confidence.
    “Very nice to meet you, Brennan. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I mean, you probably just saw me run out here to catch you just to introduce myself, but it would just make my day. Hell, it’d make my
if you’d say yes to that drink. I swear I’m not a freak or desperate, but you are just... wow.”
    The reply was simply, “I don’t drink. I’m eighteen.” Luka’s expression fell so drastically and so fast that Brennan quickly added, “But maybe coffee? Or dinner?”
    “Wow. I’m an idiot. You do look young, but you don’t
young, if that makes any sense. So I thought... but, awesome! Yeah! Dinner. Thank you. What do you like? I know this great French place. Or Thai? Maybe, um, Moroccan, or just steaks. I mean, I can cook an awesome steak but you probably would rather go out somewhere.”
    Brennan pursed his lips in an indescribably hot expression, his lips framed with his own smaller dimples right at the corners. Luka actually leaned in slightly, and brazenly took a half-step farther into Brennan’s personal space. He made himself comfortable there, standing almost intimately close. Luka’s lips parted softly, and for a second Brennan gazed expectantly up at him, thinking perhaps Luka was going to kiss him, right there in the middle of the Sweat gym hallway, which reeked of chlorine and body odor.
    There was a half a beat where Luka paused to take a breath and Brennan laid

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