main reason we ask the target for money is that then, when the client disappears, the target usually acts all furtive and then he quite often makes people suspicious.”
“Runs away or something.” Said Declan.
Liam paced around the room. “Gets the idea that the cops will pin it on him.”
“And so,” Declan held Hollis’s eye, “Unwittingly he’ll often as not pin it on himself.”
“And, keep in mind,” Liam moved to stand behind Hollis’s chair. “Since we already know that the client is the kind of an idiot that will try and stiff a contract killer, invariably he’s also just the type of a fool to have gone blabbing to all his drinking buddies that he’s taken out a contract on old so-and-so.” Hollis’s face reddened, “And that puts old so-and-so, Gareth in this case, right in the frame.”
Declan laughed gently, “You’d be surprised how well it often works.”
“We’re always very keen to see that crimes get solved.”
“Ours in particular. We like it when they’re tied up all neat. Put away, filed and forgotten.”
“Do you think that we’re bad people for that, Hollis?”
“Oh, No.” Hollis said quickly, “No, not at all.”
“Do you not?” Declan leaned towards him, “Well, we fucking are, Hollis.”
Liam held the back of Hollis’s chair. “Yup. That’s the thing about us that I think you’ve completely failed to take account of all along, Hollis. We really are bad motherfuckers.”
“And he doesn’t mean that in a nice way, Hollis.”
Hollis’s face was flushed. “Okay, look, I’ll pay you double.”
“Oh, you will? That’s nice. Isn’t that nice, Declan?”
“Would you have the money on you, Hollis?”
“It’s no problem at all, I just have to go and get it.”
“Ah.” Said Declan.
“Shame.” Said Liam.
“I can get it from the bank this afternoon.”
“Yes.” Liam shook his head.
“No.” Declan stood. “No. You see, Hollis, there are some people, if they feel like they’re in a bit of a tight spot, they’ll be thinking of ways to slip off.”
“Really.” Hollis tried to laugh. “Come with me to the bank. I’ll get you the money right now.”
Liam leaned on the back of the chair so that it tipped back. The front feet came about a half inch off the floor. “If only.”
“See, that would be fine,” Declan told him, “Except that we know that you’re a lying, cheating scumbag.”
“A cunt, as your man says.”
“But look at it this way, it wouldn’t make any difference.”
Hollis’s voice was strained, “What do you mean?”
“Right enough,” Declan said, “We’d love to take your money.”
“But,” Liam said sadly, “It wouldn’t change the outcome.”
Chapter Twelve
D ECLAN AND L IAM stood on either side of Hollis and got him to his feet. They practically had to lift him. Declan said to me, “Anything you want to say to him?”
I looked hard in Declan’s face, not understanding.
“I mean, is there anything you want to tell him or ask him now? You’ll not see him again.”
“Really?” I had kind of known it all along but still it took a moment for me to take it in. It was there from the start, but so long as I didn’t look at it directly I could pretend that it was something else, or it wasn’t really there. Or that I didn’t know.
I stepped forward, “Then yes, there is,” and I slapped his face hard with my open hand. “That’s for the lousy, selfish, brutality that you call sex,” and I slapped him again, “That’s for the beatings,” and once more, “And that’s for all the times you sneaked off to fuck that little slut Kylie when you thought that I didn’t know.”
“Wha-what do you mean, she won’t see me again?”
Liam’s voice was low, “How many ways are there to read it, blubberman?”
“Okay, okay. It’s a shakedown. Alright, I’ve got money. But you knew that, right? What do you want?”
Declan sounded weary, “We just