Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2
grill of the car.”
    “How so?”
    “He asked me if I could ID the attacker so of course I scoffed and said, Sure. I can pick the grill of the car out of a lineup. He hopped all over that as great info until I told him I was only joking. Then he started asking specific questions about grills.”
    “Do you know a lot about the grills on vehicles?” Angela asked skeptically.
    “Not a thing.”
    “Me neither. I don’t know anything about them. So how did that translate to an aha?”
    “Talking to him reminded me of something I noticed right before Campbell pulled me out of the way. A certain random thought on it looking like a bug face. Just something random.” She shook her head. “He seemed to think that was good. Seemed to me it was a whole lotta nothing.”
    Silence stretched between them for a little while though it was a nice silence. “You know they’re going to catch this guy, right?”
    Natalie looked at her friend as she patted Wyatt’s back. “Is it horrible to think I wish I’d get hit just enough to get an imprint of the license plate on my leg or something?”
    “Uhh, yeah. That’s pretty horrible.”
    Natalie smiled and walked over to where Angela stood with the baby. “Thought so. I totally don’t wish for that. At all.”
    “I get you wanting it to be over.”
    “Another thing I wish you didn’t understand.”
    “Life happens. Crazies happen. That’s something I had to finally accept. Sometimes things are out of our control and we may never understand why someone does the things they do. And whether we want it or not we are in the public eye. You even more so than me.”
    “I’m not in the public eye. Not for anything that matters.”
    “Your last name is reason enough. Your work with the clinic is an even better reason.”
    “My last name,” Natalie scoffed with a shake of her head. “It never did me any good. Not after…”
    Angela nodded. “I know. But just think. If not for our pasts, we never would have met each other, never would we have crossed paths and been exactly here right now.”
    “Bless the broken road and all that, right?” Broken was right. Broken she understood.
    “Exactly.” Angela smiled, and Natalie didn’t have the heart to tell her most people didn’t get a second chance with their prince like she did. That most people settled for someone so they didn’t have to be alone and they made the so-so enough to keep themselves from being completely lonely.
    “So how do you feel about Campbell being your security detail?” Angela glanced around the office, giving her the impression like she wasn’t dying to know the answer.
    “Honestly, I’m so thrown by what happened today I don’t have a clue how I feel. I keep bouncing back and forth between emotions. I think I know exactly what to do and how to act around him and then he throws me a curveball.”
    “What kinds of curveballs?” Angela asked, trying not to smile.
    “Smug does not look good on you.”
    “I know. That’s why I’m trying not to giggle, so keep going and I’ll get it under control.” A little bit of a snicker squeaked out and she tried to cover it with a fake yawn.
    Natalie shook her head again and closed her eyes.
    What did she see behind her closed eyelids? Campbell’s face.
    In a whisper she admitted, “He throws me for a loop. I’m mad at him for something awful he said and then he jokes and throws me off balance because it really is funny. He doesn’t take my all business attitude too seriously, which freaks me out. And he’s hot and I’m constantly horny around him, which pisses me off because I don’t want to be attracted to him.”
    “You don’t want to be attracted to anyone.”
    “Says who?”
    “Uh, you. You haven’t dated anyone in almost two years.”
    “I’ve been busy.”
    “You’ve been hiding.”
    “That’s what girlfriends are for. To tell you the hard truths when we want to bury our heads in the sand.”
    “I won’t do anything

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