Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2
to risk my heart. Not right now. Not when all of this awful is going on. What if my attraction to him has nothing to do with who he is and everything to do with base chemistry?”
    “His chemistry is still who he is.”
    “Hmm… I guess that’s true. But what if this whatever is between us is nothing more than adrenaline and a by-product of him saving me earlier? Like a hero worship thing?”
    Angela raised an eyebrow at her. “And the first time you felt a pull toward him was today when he saved you? The first time he made your panties wet and you pictured him naked when you were getting off was today?”
    Took her almost a full minute to answer and all she could get out was, “Not. Exactly.”
    “Then it isn’t all the adrenaline and hero worship and circumstances creating an attraction out of nothing. Could it be enhancing it? Sure. Life happens, but this way works in your favor.”
    “I will give my heart to no man.” Natalie blurted it out and then wished she could have stopped herself and taken it back.
    But thankfully Angela didn’t look at her with pity. Just understanding. “Sometimes it’s not up to you. Sometimes life and fate have a way of working it out for you. Putting the right people in your path at exactly the right time. Your heart might be ready to be loved even if you’re still not certain of it.”
    “It’s never been a problem before and I sure as hell am not gonna fall for some guy like Campbell.”
    “He’s actually a really great guy. Sweet, loyal, cute.”
    “He’s not a golden retriever, Angela. He’s more along the lines of a petri dish of STDs.” Not nice and she knew it, but she’d seen all sorts of awful stuff at the clinic and that was one thing she never wanted to deal with.
    “Catty. Put the claws away.”
    Natalie smiled and gently lifted one of Wyatt’s limp little hands. “Sorry. That was rude.”
    “And untrue. He’s actually completely clean, which I know goes against every HIPAA and uber safe health code whatever-ness. But that kind of info I just happened to see out on his desk the other day really should have been properly filed. What was I to do if I had to grab a pen and caught a peek?”
    With her free hand, Angela drew a fake halo around her head as a highlight of her divine nature.
    Natalie just snorted and rolled her eyes.
    As he stared down at baby Wyatt again, Wyatt Campbell she reminded herself, a pang of wistfulness made her nibble at her bottom lip. “Can I hold him?”
    “Of course. He’s already been fed and changed and he wanted to eat again and I’m a sucker for his little whimper so I topped him off.”
    “As if he’s a car.” Natalie smiled and lifted Wyatt onto her shoulder, trying hard not to jostle him too quickly so he stayed sleeping.
    After a few wiggles accompanied by an eye rub from his tiny fist, he settled against her, fully trusting her to take care of him, to protect him and keep him safe. And she would. His warm weight on her chest, cradled in her arms, his breath on her throat—nothing better in the whole world.
    “He’s getting bigger,” she whispered to Angela. Why she thought she needed to whisper now after they’d been talking for a while at full volume she didn’t know. But it felt right. Something about holding a baby just helped her settle inside. That perfect quiet moment with him and his mother. She loved being his godmother, too. What a special honor that she took very seriously.
    “Heavens, yes. He’s gonna be tall like Clay I think. He looks just like him.”
    “Oh I don’t think so. I can see a lot of you in him, too.”
    “Really?” She seemed genuinely surprised.
    “You can’t see it?”
    Angela stared at Wyatt’s little chubby cheeks. “No. Just Clay. He’s all I see.”
    Another pang of wistfulness struck Natalie in the chest. The way Angela’s eyes sparkled and her cheeks flushed when she thought of Clay reminded Natalie of what love was supposed to look like. “There’s definitely a

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