Unbidden Love (Book Five of the Bidden Series)

Unbidden Love (Book Five of the Bidden Series) by Crystal Cierlak Read Free Book Online

Book: Unbidden Love (Book Five of the Bidden Series) by Crystal Cierlak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Cierlak
Tags: Romance
as not to show any reaction. "Are they back together?"
    "Not in any official capacity. But the way he talks about her now... You would have no idea that a year ago he could barely stand to be in the same room with her."
    "He could long enough to make a baby with her," Natalie retorted, eyes rolling to the ceiling. When she initially found out Celine was pregnant and that James was possibly the father, she was stunned. It had happened some time between the night he and Natalie first met and the weekend they spent together in Vegas five months later. How he could sleep with the woman he was actively trying to divorce was beyond Natalie's comprehension.
    "True. Since the day James Fitzgerald met my sister I have been telling him not to get involved with her. But he does not listen to me. It brought up a lot of things I thought we were trying to get over. Honestly we have not had a fight that bad since-" She cut herself off and glanced quickly at Natalie, knowing she could fill in the blank.
    "Since you fought about me?"
    "Yes. In a way I understand why he is taking leave. He is a new father again - in many ways for the first time - and he is feeling over-protective of his home life."
    "So, what? He has forgiven Celine for cheating on him? For lying about Frankie's paternity for years? All of that gets swept under the rug because she gave birth?" And because I slept with Joe and made out with Audra?
    Audra shrugged emphatically. "I have no idea. But it did make me realize something."
    "What's that?"
    "When it comes to relationships - his or mine - James will not listen to me. I don’t know if he thinks he is proving something to me, or you, or himself even, but I am not going to wait around for the inevitable fallout. Nor am I going to deny myself any opportunity for happiness. Which is why I am here."
    Natalie gave herself a moment to take several deep breaths, using the time to carefully consider her next words. "I thought you said your feelings for me were not strong enough to risk your relationship with him?"
    "That was when I was putting James' feelings before my own." Audra turned and reached out to place a hand on top of Natalie's in her lap. "I am much more selfish now. I want to know what it is I am feeling for you, Natalie. Unless of course you and Joe are-"
    "No," Natalie shook her head, knowing exactly what Audra meant. "I am not with Joe, or anyone else for that matter. Ironically I think our brief affair has made us better friends, and stronger business partners."
    Another long moment stretched between them before Audra spoke up again. "I am very sorry that I said I wasn’t sure you were worth my relationship with James, Natalie. At the time I thought I was being loyal to him.”
    Natalie shook her head. "Don't be. You two were partners long before I came into the picture."
    Audra tightened her grip on Natalie's hands, her chestnut brown eyes looking imploringly into Natalie’s own silvery-blue. "Be that as it may, I am sorry."
    "I will accept your apology under one condition."
    Audra raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
    Natalie turned on to her side so she was facing Audra. "Tell me why you flew here from New York in the middle of the night rather than just calling or texting me."
    "Isn't it obvious?"
    "Yes," Natalie answered through a barely-suppressed smile. "But I want to hear you say the words."
    Audra's eyes were cloudless, free of any semblance of insecurity or doubt. "Because the last time we were together you said you think you might love me, too. And if you do, I want to know what that feels like."
    Natalie's eyes closed the moment Audra's lips were on hers. She breathed out through her nose as though expelling the anticipation that had been building up inside of her. It was a gentle kiss, slow and soft and full of promise. Audra's fingers swept across Natalie's cheeks and down to her neck. Natalie pulled away from Audra's lips and looked up at her questioningly.
    "Would you mind waiting?"
    Audra's brows creased.

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