Under Her Spell

Under Her Spell by Isabella Ashe Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Under Her Spell by Isabella Ashe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabella Ashe
soft black leggings under a thick fisherman's sweater. She piled her red-gold hair up on her head, changed her mind, braided it, then undid the braid. Staring at herself in the mirror, she wondered if she'd gone completely insane. She was acting like a teenager on prom night. If Zach didn't like her the way she was, that was just fine. She wouldn't put on an act for him, even if she lost their bet because of it.
    With that decided, she headed down the stairs. She did not, however, exchange the leggings for the baggy sweatpants.
    "You're five minutes late," Zach said as Bryony entered the kitchen. "Your eggs are getting cold." He slid the finished omelet onto the plate and set it on the table.
    Bryony picked up her fork and took a bite. "It's delicious," she said truthfully. Zach had blended feta cheese, sautéed mushrooms, tomato, and cilantro into a golden-brown pancake of free-range eggs. Bryony was surprised to find she was starving.
    "Aren't you going to eat?" she asked.
    "I had dinner already, at a restaurant in town. Cypress Grove."
    "Oh, no. Not Peter Burke's place." Bryony clapped her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. "I should have warned you."
    "I wish you had," Zach said, his dark eyes sparkling. "It was one of the worst meals I've ever had. I sent it back and asked for a hamburger instead, figuring no one could ruin that."
    "Then you haven't met Peter's chef yet. You should have heard him when he hired the guy -- imported from France, no less. Peter was so proud." Bryony shook with laughter. "The whole town thinks Peter should ship him back where he came from, the sooner the better."
    "After that hamburger, I'll buy him a plane ticket," Zach said. "It was filling -- that's about the only good thing I can say about it. But after a whole day of hiking, I was too hungry to try someplace else. Are you finished?"
    Bryony glanced down at her plate and discovered she'd devoured the last morsel. "I suppose I am. That was wonderful."
    "So how about that walk you promised me?"
    "You're not too tired?"
    "No way," Zach said, jumping up and offering his hand. "I'm not letting you weasel out of this deal. We have to spend time together, remember?"
    "Right." Bryony took his hand and let him pull her to her feet. The contact sent tingles down her spine. When he let go, she was standing just inches from him, staring at his chest. She gulped and lifted her chin so her eyes met his. Zach's face was a study in thoughtfulness. As he gazed down at her, she thought she saw tenderness in the way his mouth softened just a fraction.
    Then the moment ended.
    "Let's go," he said, dropping her hand and snatching his fleece coat from the hook by the door.
    Bryony followed him down the steep and twisting path to the beach. The grass had been worn away by hundreds of trampling feet, and the sandy soil could be treacherous. Bryony picked her way cautiously down the incline, then relaxed a little when she had nearly reached the sand. At that moment, her foot caught a loose patch of dirt For an instant she thought she would be able to right herself. Then she realized, horrified, that she was going to fall flat on her face.
    Zach's arms closed around her, bearing her up. Bryony caught at his broad shoulders to steady herself . Her breasts brushed his chest, and she felt his hands at her waist. "I know you want to throw yourself into my arms," he said, smiling, "but that wasn't very subtle."
    Heat rose to her cheeks and she took a quick step back. "I certainly didn't stumble on purpose," she said. "How could I know you'd catch me?"
    Zach ignored her question. "Women," he said, shrugging. "Always scheming, always playing little games. I know your type."
    Bryony glowered at him. "I don't think so."
    "Oh, I do. I've met my share of women, and they're all alike."
    "Spare me," Bryony said, eyes flashing green fire. "So you had a few bad experiences. That doesn't give you the right to generalize. Most women don't play games, me included. Maybe

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