Under His Control (For His Pleasure, Book 18)

Under His Control (For His Pleasure, Book 18) by Kelly Favor Read Free Book Online

Book: Under His Control (For His Pleasure, Book 18) by Kelly Favor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Favor
knew that she was being offered a very fair opportunity. “The thing is, you’re right that I took the job to be closer to you. In the beginning, anyway. But since I’ve moved here and started work, I found that I actually enjoy living here and working here regardless. I love New York City.”
    Nicole nodded, but her expression was guarded. “If you say so. Based on what I gathered from the situation you were in when I caught you skulking around my house half-naked, I’d say you have other reasons for wanting the job.”
    So she knows about Easton , Kennedy thought, her face reddening with shame and embarrassment.
    But why should I be embarrassed? Isn’t that exactly how Nicole and Red Jameson became a couple? All of the papers talked about it.
    Kennedy sat up a little straighter. “My private life is my own business. But I can guarantee you that I’m damn good at this job.”
    Nicole smiled a little, but the smile this time wasn’t mean or condescending. It was as though she finally liked what she was seeing from Kennedy. “If that’s the case, then we shouldn’t have an issue. Now, I can’t say for certain that you won’t be fired. It’s not up to me. But I can tell you that you won’t be fired for what happened at my house or the fact that you weren’t honest about your ties to me and my family.”
    “Thank you,” Kennedy said, struggling not to be overcome by emotion. “I really appreciate that.”
    “Red and Easton still need to talk things out. There’s still a chance that you won’t be able to continue on with the company,” Nicole said. “But that’s between them and you. If you are let go, it won’t be because of me.”
    “I’m grateful for your understanding.”
    “Don’t be grateful,” Nicole said. “Just be respectful of my request. Because if you go back on your word, if you do something else to put me or my family at risk—I will make sure you pay dearly for it,” Nicole said.
    Her tone was completely convincing, and Kennedy knew that despite her sister’s grace and charm, beneath the politeness laid a steel resolve to protect herself and the people she loved.
    Kennedy nodded and bowed her head. “I promise you that I’ll stay away from you and Red and everyone else in your family. Maybe someday you’ll feel differently about me, but if that day never comes, I’ll respect your wishes and leave you alone.”
    “Good,” Nicole said. “It’s settled then.” She pulled out her charge card and waved to the waiter.

    Kennedy wasn’t sure how she felt as she returned home after her breakfast with her sister. First of all, it had become clear that Nicole didn’t want to actually be sisters.
    So there was that.
    It had been a fairly stiff rejection, but at the same time, Kennedy saw rays of hope in what had happened. They’d met, just the two of them, and Nicole had seen the way Kennedy was with Riley.
    Riley was drawn to me, Kennedy thought, smiling as she walked down 56th street, the sunlight sparkling off the tops of the tall buildings, the wind breezing against her skin in a not altogether unpleasant way.
    If I can prove my trustworthiness to her, maybe in time she’ll start to come around, Kennedy thought.
    She doesn’t want anything to do with you. She said it in plain English.
    That was her initial reaction to a very painful, shocking situation. But if she really felt that mistrusting, she would have had me fired.
    Then again, Kennedy wasn’t sure she hadn’t been fired. Nicole had left that as a gray area, something for Red and Easton to decide together.
    Kennedy’s smile faltered.
    She arrived back in her apartment and wasn’t sure what to do with herself next.
    Was she expected into work tomorrow or not?
    She stared at her cell phone and considered her choices. She could sit and wait by the phone, wait for however long it might take Easton to contact her—which could be never—or she could try to contact him first.
    The very thought of it made her

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