Under the Kissing Bough

Under the Kissing Bough by Shannon Donnelly Read Free Book Online

Book: Under the Kissing Bough by Shannon Donnelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon Donnelly
Tags: Romance
that sense of girlish, fey charm.
    "What do you think? Will this rain hold off for one more hour?"
    He glanced around to realize that they now stood outside of Mr. Blyde's shop and that Patrick had addressed him.
    He blushed at his own poor manners in drifting off to another world—a world both past him, and a future forever lost. It had been his own fault that he had lost it. And now, here he was punishing Lady Rushton and her daughters with his lack of attention.
    Forcing a smile, he decided he would make amends to them. He glanced up, measuring the sky. The darkening clouds had not yet deepened to the black that boded a soaking rain. "I think we might at least manage a stop at Schomberg House for refreshments. Some tea or chocolate?"
    Patrick stared at him, surprise rising on his face, but Emma's expression at once lit up and even the quiet Elizabeth said, "Oh, yes. Please, Mother, may we?"
    Lady Rushton hesitated before she said, "Well, I suppose it would indeed be a nice treat."
    Eleanor said nothing, Geoff noticed. But no one else seemed to pay any heed to that.
    It was but a few minutes' drive to Schomberg House, a handsome, four-story mansion, built for the Duke of Schomberg in the late sixteen hundreds, but now converted into shops that offered small furniture, drapery hangings, and refreshments to those worn out by their efforts in spending money.
    Eleanor looked about her, hanging back a little from the others as they entered and mounted the staircase. She had not visited here before, but she knew from reading her London guidebooks that Thomas Gainsborough had lived and painted here until 1788. That such a famous artist had occupied the house awed Eleanor, and she stared about her, wondering what he had found to inspire him to greatness.
    A deep voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "Miss Eleanor?"
    She glanced up into Lord Staines's handsome face. Expecting to see a frown, relief eased into her when she saw that a smile softened his mouth instead.
    He gestured to the baroque grandeur, the gilt and carved wood. "Are you lost in admiration?"
    "Actually, I was wondering if grand rooms inspire grand thoughts. Or do they too often instead inspire grand ambitions, and grand arrogance?"
    He cocked his head and his eyes took on a sparkle. "I was about to say we have even more impressive stairs at Westerley, but now I fear I would be inviting comparison to arrogance or ambition."
    Her face heated. "I did not mean...that is, I should have known you would have at least one house this grand."
    Still smiling, he seemed not at all inclined to take her words amiss. "I have many more, and I can assure you that the ambition they tend to inspire is to keep them all well-roofed and managed. And the arrogance is tempered by the rest of the world's inability to conform with one's wishes."
    Stopping at the top of the stairs, she regarded him. He had spoken with a light and teasing tone, but there was that look in his eyes again. That deeply wounded and defensive look. What was it that he had wished for that had not come to him?
    He glanced at her, puzzled, that wounded look vanishing from his eyes. He offered his arm to lead her into the room on the second floor where the proprietors served tea, sweetmeats, wine and coffee.
    "Come," he said, "Let me find you a seat near the windows. There is a fine view of St. James's Park, and out to the Surrey Hills as well, but I doubt we'll see so far today given the weather."
    A little shy of him, she put her hand on his arm. He led her forward, talking about the quality of the refreshments to be had and offering stories about the room, which had once served as the breakfast room of the house. He seemed to be going out of his way to be pleasant, and she began to relax a little.
    At the table, Emma was chattering, talking about all they had seen and bought, and she quizzed Elizabeth and Lord Staines's brother on what had been the best bargain of the day. And Lady Rushton soon engaged Lord Staines

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