rings. Then she clamps a hand over her mouth and darts a nervous look at the door. “I actually think I might be some kind of a pervert, you know. . . .”
    Whoa, now she’s kissing my neck—something I have to admit feels really, really good, especially after the brutal tickling. But it doesn’t feel good enough to make me forget for a second that not only is Ivy totally out of my league, she’s that psycho Hunter Holden’s girlfriend.
    “Hey, what’s the deal?” I manage to get out as she takes a breath.
    Ivy stops kissing me immediately. And I can’t help it—I instantly regret saying anything.
    “What’s the deal?” Ivy repeats. “What do you think? You nearly died!” She presses her mouth against mine and begins full-on making out with me.
    Ivy Johansen is making out with me in my hospital bed. I don’t have a clue how to begin processing this.
    Wait—maybe I’ve suffered serious brain damage. That would explain a lot. But brain damage or not, I’m thinking I should just go with this.
    At that second Nurse Barbara walks in. Ivy shrieks and ducks under the covers. But there’s no concealing the five-foot-ten captain of the girls’ volleyball team.
    “Young lady, come out of there!” Nurse Barbara shouts. “Right this minute!”
    Ivy pops her head out. Her shimmering black hair is all in her face. “Tee-hee,” she giggles, like a four-year-old.
    “What do you think you’re doing?” the nurse shouts.
    “Duh!” Ivy answers, laughing. “What does it look like?”
    “Visiting hours are over,” the nurse tells her. “I want you out. Now.”
    With a groan Ivy flings back the covers. Realizing my gown is riding up at what couldn’t be a worse moment, I grab the sheet and pull it around myself as she jumps up.
    “Out!” the nurse shouts, ushering the girl through the open door.
    But Ivy resists, yanking her arm away. “Get well soon, Cal,” she calls to me.
    I wave back like an idiot.
    The heavy door swings shut. I’m alone with Nurse Barbara, a scene completely drained of any sexiness.
    “Sorry,” I say, still tasting the lipstick that must be smeared all over my face. “Look, I didn’t invite her in. She just showed up—I don’t know why.” I laugh and shake my head. “To tell you the truth, I don’t even know her that well.”
    I don’t know why I’m bothering. Nurse Barbara isn’t interested. Upon finishing her duties, she only turns to scowl at me before leaving.
    I lie there for a while, holding the covers tight around my neck. I don’t think that was a dream—it felt too real. But come on. Things like that don’t happen to me. Something is wrong.
    Turning toward the window, I see that the curtains are still open. I wonder if Ivy is out there, sitting in a parked car and watching me at this very moment. I can’t tell—I don’t even know what her car looks like.
    But what I do notice with a start is the figure in the Crocodiles jacket strolling down the parking lot. His hood is up, and I can’t see his face, but he’s definitely looking in at me. It’s the same figure I saw just before Bryce came in.
    This time I could swear even that walk is Cole’s.
    Well, I’m pissed. I don’t know what he’s pulling, but it’s not funny at all. And I’m definitely not playing along.
    Legs aching, I get up and pull the curtains shut.
    I hear voices out in the hall.
    I cross over to the door and listen for a while. It’s all just the talk of bored workers over the noises of a working hospital. But then everything goes silent. Silent like a morgue.
    On the way back to bed, I pick up the unused bedpan. And though it’s not quite as hefty as I’d hoped, it’s still made of some sort of metal. A person definitely wouldn’t want to get hit in the teeth with it.
    I tuck it under my pillow, just in case, and begin waiting out the rest of the night.

    More than once, I fall asleep. I awaken each time with a jolt, my hands gripping the cold bedpan. But no one comes

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