Undone by the Star

Undone by the Star by Stephanie Browning Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Undone by the Star by Stephanie Browning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Browning
about it sent Alex into a tailspin. She began gulping air as the ragged sobs she’d been holding back all afternoon burst from her chest. She lowered her head and covered her face with her hands.
    She’d never felt so helpless in her life, or so alone…and then suddenly, she wasn’t.
    A pair of strong arms were wrapping themselves around her and drawing her close. And she knew, without looking, that it was Marc. He stroked her hair and pressed her against his chest while she cried, soaking his shirtfront with tears of relief. Relief that Grannie was okay, relief that she was no longer alone, and absolute joy that the man she couldn’t get out of her mind was there to comfort her.
    And without saying a word, Marc Daniels simply cradled her in his arms and held her until she’d run out of tears.
    Grannie was awake. And ready to hold court. She’d insisted Marc sit next to her once the nurse had been in to straighten the sheets and help her patient freshen up for her visitors.
    “Must be the drugs,” whispered Alex. She took a sip of the hot, sweet tea Marc had brought her from the hospital cafeteria, and watched the show unfold.
    “The cheek of it,” her grandmother was exclaiming. “Although when I was a girl…” she began, “Frank Sinatra was performing at the London Palladium…everybody was waving his picture and screaming for his autograph. It was an absolute crush!”
    Any doubts Alex might have had about her grandmother’s ability to bounce back disappeared. She’d already lured Marc into giving her an account of their Portobello Road adventure by letting him think that Alex had already told her, which was blatantly untrue, but minor details like that had never stopped Grannie before.
    “And by the way,” Marc was saying, “The dealer you suggested had exactly what I wanted for my collection. Another scout from the 13 th Dragoons.”
    They chatted for a few more minutes, but it was obvious that the elderly woman was beginning to fade. The day had been an ordeal. Marc noticed as well, caught Alex’s eye, then rose.
    “Time to go,” he said, then carefully took Miss Sadler’s hand and dropped a chivalrous kiss on the back. “No more tearing the place up.”
    The old lady laughed softly as he winked at Alex to indicate he’d wait outside.
    “If I were thirty years younger…” Grannie continued to smile at her memories of past conquests.
    Alex touched her hand. “Helen will be here shortly with your overnight case.”
    The nurse had come back with a light meal and a drink for her patient. Alex offered to stay, but Grannie wasn’t having it. “Off you go, dear. I’m sure you have better things to do.” Alex leaned over and kissed her grandmother good-bye.
    “She’ll sleep tonight,” said the nurse placing the dinner tray on the bedside table.
    “I don’t like to leave her,” said Alex.
    “We’ll call if there’s a problem, and you can ring the nurses’ station if you’re worrying.” She eyed Alex over a pair of half-moon glasses. “And if that fella waiting outside is who I think he is,” she said receiving a nod of confirmation from Miss Sadler, “then you should do exactly what your grandmother tells you.”
    It was a relief to be able to look after Alex for a change, thought Marc, as he eased his way through the crowded pub with their drinks. They were in a booth at the back, and so far, nobody had paid them the least bit of attention.
    “I went with the steak pie,” he said sliding onto the bench. “Hope that’s all right.” He passed Alex her glass of wine and held up his pint of ale. “Here’s to Miss Eugenie Sadler.”
    “To Grannie,” said Alex. “Long may she reign.” They clinked their glasses and each took a drink.
    “You do realize,” said Marc wiping a bit of foam off his upper lip, “that if I’d met her first, you wouldn’t have stood a chance.”
    Alex blinked twice and then laughed. “I think she has a bit of a crush on you as well,”

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