Unexpected Love

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Book: Unexpected Love by Melissa Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Price
living room because it would not fit.  She laid down on the soft bed.  It was so comfortable that she quickly fell asleep.  She awoke around 5:10 and hurriedly unpacked and got ready to go. 

    Sean kept his eyes on the road as he drove to Maggie and Walter’s house shortly before six.  He didn’t dare look at her.  Her kissable lips were an inviting glossy pink color.  Her long hair was down and she was dressed in a simple black dress that made her look sexy.  Very sexy.  She did not act like she knew how sexy and beautiful she looked.  Or maybe she knew and was just playing it cool.  His gut feeling told him that she didn’t think she was sexy. 
    He had already shaved that morning so he had changed into a dress shirt and slacks rather than his usual t-shirt and jeans.  He wondered if Maggie and Walter would notice.  He never got a little more dressed when he went there.
    Was he nervous?  Not possible, no way.  He was astounded at the thought.  He did not get nervous.  He couldn’t afford to in his line of work and very little surprised him anymore.  And he did not get nervous around women.
    When they got to Maggie and Walter’s, he couldn’t resist murmuring as he helped her out of the truck, “You look amazing.”
    She blinked at him as if surprised.  She tried to slide out of the truck gracefully, but her dress was riding up her bare thighs.  She made the mistake of grabbing at her hem to pull it down as she was sliding down and ended up falling into him. 
    He caught her.  So much for lithe and elegant.  They were standing so close and he still smelled like spring rain.  Neither of them spoke for a few heartbeats.  Was it her?  It was the late days of fall but it suddenly felt like a warm summer night. 
    She finally looked up at him with wide eyes.   “Thank you.  You look nice to,” she said with a shy smile.  She pulled her warm jacket closer around her.
    Maggie opened the door and greeted them.  Walter took the jacket she shrugged out of and gave her a quick pat on the shoulder.  “Glad you came.”
    Maggie hustled everyone into the dining room where she had dinner already on the table.  Sean pulled out her chair and waited for her to be seated. 
    It felt a little awkward and strange.  Rarely had a man held a chair for her.  The last guy she dated had turned out to be a real jerk and it was over during the first date as far as she was concerned.  He would never had thought to hold a chair for her.  Not only was he talking about himself most of the evening, he had expected a lot more when he drove her home.  He had kept trying to touch her all during dinner so she sat back and far enough away from him that he could not reach her without leaning very far forward.  He tried that once and she had given him a slight frown.  The after dinner activity he was hoping for was not happening.  He had tried a few more times to get her to go out with him, but she had told him no. He told her how special she was and how much he wanted her.  Fat chance.  At first she tried to be polite but when he persisted, she bluntly just said no.
    Maggie took note of the chair holding.  She was sure she was right.  They were going to get along just fine.   She looked over at Sean with a big grin, “You look very nice tonight.”  Sean groaned inwardly.  “And Taylor, you look just lovely.”
    Taylor murmured thank you.
    Sean sat next to her with Maggie across from her and Walter across from him.  “It was really nice of you to invite me.”  She gave the couple a big smile. 
    Maggie was wearing a simple long sleeved purple shirt and black slacks.  Walter was dressed in a casual shirt that was a pale green.  He looked like he had cut himself shaving. 
    Maggie replied, “We just love having company.  It’s so nice to have someone in the house that Walter and I can entertain.”
    Taylor looked quickly over at Sean but he did not react or look at her.
    “Did Sean

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