Unexpected Love

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Book: Unexpected Love by Melissa Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Price
tell you we just had our daughter and two grandkids visit?  Our son-in-law couldn’t come but having them was so much fun.  Of course, it is nice to have a little peace and quiet but we could have had them stay longer.  We love having company.”
    “Yes, he did.”  She thought about kicking him under the table since he was just looking straight ahead, but she decided not to.
    Sean cleared his throat before he took a sip of water.  He was not going to look at her.  He would not have been surprised if she was glaring at him but he didn’t want to look.
    Maggie went on, “I’m sorry about your car, but we can go shopping and do lunch.  It will be fun.  Sean can show you around town.  The time will fly by, you’ll see.”
    The conversation flowed over the roast beef, roasted vegetables, salad, and biscuits that Maggie had prepared.  Walter had lots of funny stories to tell them.   Taylor learned that he was a veterinarian.  He had a clinic in town along with two other vets, but he was the owner.  His stories were mostly about the pets and owners that came through.
    He had them in stitches when he told them about one client whose dog looked just like her and they even walked similarly.  “She even had matching bows in their hair.  The first time I saw them I wasn’t sure who the patient was.”
    After Maggie brought out dessert, Taylor realized she was getting really tired.  She tried to eat the peach pie Maggie had bought from a bakery with more enthusiasm than she felt.  The food was good, but she was suddenly almost too tired to eat.
    “So, Taylor, where did you end up staying?”
    She glanced over at Sean who was suddenly very thirst.  “Uh, Sean gave me a room.”
    Maggie saw the blush on her cheeks and had to fight the big smile that she felt coming on.  No doubt in her mind now.  “Wonderful.  You’ll be able to rest and relax.”
    When Maggie asked her a question that would have involved her having to mention the accident, Sean steered the conversation away from the subject.
    Sean seemed to understand she was tired, so they left shortly after the meal.  Neither of them spoke on the way back.  As he helped her out of the truck, she decided to heck with the dress, she was not going to fall all over him this time.  The hem rode up higher than she would have preferred but she got out faster.  Sean had glanced at her legs but said nothing and his face did not reveal what he might be thinking.
    When they went inside, Taylor thought briefly about bringing up the subject of her staying here and Maggie’s remarks about loving to have company, but she was too tired.  She would let it go.  For now.
    “Do you need help getting up the stairs?”
    She shook her head no.  “I can do it.”
    “Are you sure?  I’m happy to help.” His brow furrowed in concern.  She looked really tired.  He suspected she was being stubborn about it.
    “I’m fine.  I don’t need any help.  I’m just going to get some water first.”  She turned away and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water that he had offered her earlier.
    She always kept water next to her bed at night.  She habitually woke up at least once and sometimes needed a drink.  Then she would go back to sleep.  She actually liked waking up briefly before settling down and sleeping again.  She wasn’t sure why, but she had always slept that way.
    When she came back, he was still standing at the bottom of the stairs.  “Go ahead, I can do it.  I’ll be fine.”  She said it a little too determinately, she thought.
    He stared at her a moment, indecision on his face and then he shrugged.  “Call me if you need anything.”  He wasn’t going to force her to accept his help.  It wasn’t like he could manhandle her and get her up there if she didn’t want help.  He really didn’t think she could do it, but he would let her try.
    She watched him go up and around the corner.  She admired the view until he disappeared.  She

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