response to Eve’s praying for her two sons following the offerings. Kara was talking to Lucifer, in hushed conversation.
“Well, Kara,” said Michael. “I see, as always, that you cannot let the humans play this out on their own.”
“We’re merely expediting the inevitable,” said Kara. “Cain has complete control. We are only suggesting, not demanding. The choice, as always, is his to make.”
“Nevertheless you are forbidden to touch him,” said Michael, his belted sword beginning to glow. “Eve is praying for her sons and we are sent here in response.”
“Things must be really extraordinary in Heaven these days,” sneered Kara. “In response to the sniveling of a distraught mother, they send an archangel accompanied by…a traitor. To do what? Keep us from touching this human? We have no need to touch him, Michael. He is destroying himself.”
Michael was disgusted with the scene as more and more demons flocked in to enjoy the spectacle. All the while Nan continued hammering away, whispering in Cain’s ears how God had rejected him in favor of his brother.
“God does love you more, doesn’t He?” said Cain, looking up at his younger brother. “Even though I am the firstborn, He loves you more.”
“Cain, please,” pleaded Abel. “That is not true. God loves you…”
“It is true!” said Cain, almost screaming. Cain stood up and leaned against a tree. “Your offering is still being accepted,” he said, pointing to the smoldering remains of Abel’s firstling. “I really think I hate you, my brother.”
Abel was taken aback by Cain’s words. Never had he seen Cain so vehement in his anger towards him. He had grown up with Cain and was used to his occasional bursts of anger. But this was something deeper—something that had to be dampened. Abel could only begin to pray to the Lord on behalf of his angry brother. He prayed silently:
“Most High God. You are the Lord who made Heaven and earth. You have accepted my offering and now I come to ask You to hear this plea. Lord, my God, help Cain to understand that You love him. Help him to grow in love of You. And whatever the enemy of my father might be attempting, I ask You to war for us, Lord, for we cannot fight him alone. War after my father’s enemy and cause him to release Cain from his grip, for I see something unholy here.”
Suddenly Michael’s sword became a brilliant blue light. Lucifer watched intently as the others with him jumped back. The archangel lunged at Nan, sword drawn. Nan shrieked and disappeared into the sky, many of the demons scattering with him. Michael looked around with fierce eyes of protection. Rugio began stepping forward as if to fight but Lucifer stopped him.
“Interesting move, archangel,” said Lucifer. “But not quite fair. None of us are to interfere with human choice, remember?”
“Unless a human chooses to pray a prayer of faith, Lucifer. I was compelled by the Most High to act—as is any assigned angel.”
“But who prayed? Eve? She can hardly pray so bold a prayer as to release your authority here.”
Michael smiled. “Abel prayed for his brother,” he said. “You forget, Lucifer, that you can only try to
the minds of men. You cannot know their minds—or know what they are thinking. Abel prayed to the Most High and I was instantly released to help him. Incidentally, it was a marvelous prayer.”
Lucifer seethed as Cain began to recover from his anger. Cain stood up and began to talk calmly with Abel. Before long they embraced each other and left the place. “I’m sorry, Abel,” said Cain. “I know the Lord loves me. And I don’t hate you. I sometimes let my temper get the better of me.”
“Next offering we’ll do together,” said Abel, as they walked off. The two groups of angels silently stared at one another for a moment. Finally Lucifer spoke up.
“Well done, Michael. It seems men
call on the Most High and cause you to act. It seems you have two
Jessica Conant-Park, Susan Conant