United State of Love

United State of Love by Sue Fortin Read Free Book Online

Book: United State of Love by Sue Fortin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Fortin
I really wouldn't be any fun tonight. Aitch-choo!’
    ‘Bless you.’
    More sniffing. ‘Thank you.’
    ‘Well, you get yourself dosed up and into bed. I'll come by in the morning and take the boys out to the park or something.’
    ‘Oh, thank you, Anna. You're a star. That would be a great help. Nathan's working tomorrow, as usual. I'll see you in the morning. And sorry.’
    ‘Don't worry. Not a problem. We will get a night out sooner or later.’
    Anna ended the call and flopped down onto the newly fluffed cushions. She had been looking forward to a girlie Saturday night. Something that she felt Zoe needed as much as she did herself. It had been a funny week, and she really wanted to chat to Zoe and get her take on the turn of events. That was the trouble when you lived alone, you didn't have anyone to sound out your ideas and thoughts with. Someone to reassure you that you were doing the right thing or, indeed, the wrong thing. That was something she really missed.
    Anna was now faced with an evening alone. Luke had gone to one of his friends after school and was staying the night as they were having band practice followed by an X-box evening. Mark was going to Southampton that evening to see his old friend Gary. Mark had somehow managed to talk Anna into letting him borrow her car. Just as well she had never changed the insurance details when Mark went to America; her tired old blue Fiesta was still insured for any driver over twenty-five. This did have an upside too, mused Anna, trying to cheer herself up. Mark would look pretty funny in it, his six-foot frame scrunched up like a locust. So not cool.
    ‘Penny for them?’ Mark asked, coming into the living room. He was carrying two glasses of wine and passed one to her. ‘Been stood up?’
    ‘Mmm. You heard then. Should you be drinking if you're driving tonight?’
    ‘I might go over to Gary's in the morning instead.’
    ‘Why's that then? Won't he mind?’ Anna took a sip of wine.
    ‘No, he'll be fine.’ Mark smiled at her. ‘Cheers. I just thought seeing as Luke isn't here and you're all alone, that maybe we could go out tonight.’
    ‘Me and you? Out? Tonight?’ The suggestion had taken her completely by surprise.
    ‘Yeah,’ nodded Mark slowly. ‘That was the general idea of what I said.’
    Anna eyed him carefully. Was this a good idea?
    ‘What's the harm in it?’ asked Mark, as if sensing her apprehension. ‘We've been eating together all week. It's just the same except we'll be at a restaurant instead.’
    ‘I suppose you have a point,’ said Anna, trying to reason with the thought.
    ‘Of course I do. Come on, get your glad rags on. It'll be just like old times.’
    Anna couldn't make up her mind if the butterflies she felt in her stomach were excitement or nerves. She couldn't ignore the feeling that going out for dinner with Mark wasn't one of her best ideas.
    ‘Wow, you look lovely!’ he exclaimed as Anna came downstairs and into the living room.
    It was the response she had hoped for. Had she been going out with the girls tonight, she may have just worn her jeans and one of her casual tops, but as it was Mark, she wanted to show him that she could still look good and hadn't fallen to pieces without him. She had opted for a black shift dress with bold, purple and red embroidered flowers around the neckline and hem, teamed with black patent high-heeled boots and a purple cardigan.
    ‘You look nice, too.’ In fact, Anna thought Mark looked gorgeous. She had always liked him in a dark suit and open neck shirt. Whether he remembered this and had purposefully dressed that way, she didn't know.
    It felt odd walking through the town centre, side by side. It had been so long since they had done that. Before, Anna would have automatically slipped her arm into his, or he would have put his arm around her shoulders or held her hand, but those days were long gone now. Having said that, Anna had gradually felt herself relax around Mark as the week

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