Unlikely Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series: Book 1 (The Carlisle Sisters)

Unlikely Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series: Book 1 (The Carlisle Sisters) by Kay Brody Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Unlikely Love: A Hot, Romantic Suspense Series: Book 1 (The Carlisle Sisters) by Kay Brody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Brody
“I think it would be best for all concerned, especially for Jen and I, if I moved out.”
    “But where would you go, Beth?”  Tracy asked concerned.
    “Well, Grey has offered his cabin to me.  He purchased Buddy Long’s place and renovated it,” Beth explained.
    “But isn’t he living in it?  Isn’t that where you went to tell him that we were staying at the resort?”
    “No.  I went to his apartment in Houston; that’s his actual home,” Beth answered.
    “It’s still very generous of him to offer his cabin to you.  He obviously likes you,” Tracy smiled.
    “You’re fantasizing, Trace,” Beth dismissed her comment.
    “I don’t think so.  I noticed how he never left your side at the hospital.  And he’s even come to check on me.  But I think he used it as a chance to see you,” Tracy deduced.
    “Don’t be getting any ideas, Trace.  He came to see how you were doing; nothing else,” Beth protested.
    “I don’t agree but I’ll leave it alone,” Tracy smiled.  She set her tray aside on the bed and grasped Beth’s hands.  “If you feel that it would be for the best that you move out, then do so.  I would miss you but I understand your feelings.  The process of reconciling with Jen is hard for you.  I know.  But you will work through it.  The same way I hope you can work through your differences with me.  I’m so sorry that I left you, Beth.  I left you all alone and you were just a kid.  Please forgive me.  I am so sorry !”
    Tears streamed down Tracy’s face.  Beth leaned forward to hug her.  It seemed such a natural thing to do.  She held Tracy tightly and realized that she had already forgiven her.  She wasn’t sure when it had happened but it had.  She loved Tracy so very much.
    “I love you, Beth,” Tracy murmured.
    “I love you too, Trace.  And I have forgiven you.  I think I forgave you the minute I saw you again,” Beth returned.  Beth pulled back and wiped tears from her cheeks.  “You’ve got me weeping like a willow tree.”
    Tracy laughed.
    “I hope you can find the same forgiveness in your heart for Jen.  She loves you too, Beth.  She’s just having a hard time showing it right now,” Tracy said.
    “Let’s not push it,” Beth smiled wanly.
    “Well, I had to try,” Tracy countered.
    Beth stood.
    “I’d better go.  I’ve got work to do,” Beth said.
    “Go see Grey and tell him you’ll take his cabin,” Tracy suggested.
    “I will.  See you later.  And remember, stay in bed ,” Beth admonished.
    Tracy frowned.
    “Alright!  Alright!  I’ll stay,” Tracy sighed heavily.
    Beth chuckled then left the room.  She suddenly had pep in her step and a smile on her face.  She couldn’t wait to tell Grey that she would take the cabin.

    Chapter 4
    J en sat in the office and brooded.  She hadn’t heard from Jarod since they had brought Tracy home from the infirmary together.  He’d said that he would call but two days had gone by and she hadn’t heard a peep from him.  Had he decided that he didn’t want to get involved after all?  Jen sat back in her chair in a huff.
    “Jennifer, would you look at this spread sheet?  I can’t get the numbers to add up,” Cissy said.
    Cissy was an intern from Tulane University’s business school, working at The Sea View to fulfill her extra credit requirement.  Jennifer studied the young girl.  She was a cute, fresh-faced blonde with a slender figure and her whole life ahead of her.  The girl’s obvious optimism made Jen wish that she could turn back the clock and start over.
    Jen sighed and cleared a spot on her desk.  Cissy moved to set her laptop on the table in front Jen.  Jen looked at the figures and immediately spotted the discrepancy.
    “Here,” Jen pointed to a column of figures.  “The restaurant expense report does not reflect the alcohol expenditure.  And last week’s restaurant gross seems low.  That place was packed last week.”
    “It was.  I tried

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