didn’t know if she were up to comforting her.
“Why don’t we all go into the waiting room,” Grey suggested.
They went back into the waiting room. Beth went to stand at the window.
“I’ll get us some coffee,” Grey said.
He left the room and Jen moved to stand with Beth at the window.
“The doctor hasn’t told you anything? I can’t believe they don’t have a clue as to what’s wrong with Tracy. They have to know something ,” Jen insisted.
“They took Tracy into the examination room as soon as we arrived. Doctor Burris said that he would notify us when he knew something,” Beth said.
“Yeah right!” Jen said. “I don’t trust doctors. They never give you a straight answer.”
“He’s not hiding anything from us, Jen. We just have to wait. We have no other choice.”
“You may be able to sit idly by and do nothing but I can’t. I’m going out there and demanding some answers,” Jen declared.
“Sit down and shut up!” Beth snapped. “This isn’t about you, Jen. I’m not going to let you fight for attention at our sister’s expense. Think of someone other than yourself for a change. Is that possible? Can you put someone else’s needs before your own? Tracy needs the doctors and nurse’s attention way more than you do. Can’t you take a back seat just this one time?”
“How dare you infer that I don’t want Tracy to get the care that she needs. Of course I do. I love Tracy and care very much what happens to her,” Jen retorted. “Unlike you, I can’t be stoic and unfeeling. I express my emotions whereas you don’t have any.”
“That’s enough!” Grey declared. He moved to put the tray of coffees on the table. “We’re all upset and on edge but arguing will not help.”
Grey moved to stand beside Beth while Jen went to stand with Jarod. Beth was so blistering mad that she’d been two seconds away from slapping Jen. Grey had intervened at just the right moment.
Jen always had a way of pushing her buttons, even as a child. She knew how to rile Beth up with her biting tongue. Beth knew that she shouldn’t allow Jen’s words to get to her; after all, she knew they weren’t true.
But the anger and resentment that Beth harbored toward Jen needed very little to bring them to the surface. More than ever, settling their differences seemed like a lost cause. And trying seemed futile.
“Are you alright?” Grey asked. “That argument was intense.”
“I’m fine. Jen has a way of getting under my skin,” Beth muttered.
“Don’t let it bother you. They were only words and words can only hurt you if you let them,” he whispered.
She nodded and Grey lightly kissed her temple. A moment later Doctor Burris entered the waiting room. Beth saw him and rushed to stand before him. Everyone gathered round.
“Doctor, how is Tracy?” Beth asked worriedly.
“She has a mild concussion but she’s going to be fine. She sustained a nasty hit on the head but, luckily, the blow was not hard enough to do any serious damage,” Doctor Burris said.
“Oh thank God!” Beth said. “When can she go home?”
“As soon as I sign her release forms. I want her to take it easy and stay in bed for at least three days. Here’s a prescription for her pain. She can take up to two tablets a day,” Doctor Burris stated. He gave the prescription to Beth.
“I’ll have it filled right away,” Beth said. “Thank you, Doctor Burris, for taking such good care of my sister.”
He nodded.
“You’re very welcome. She’s a strong young lady and should have no lingering effects from this accident,” he said. “She’s to come back to see me in four days to have her wound checked.”
“Can we see her, Doctor?” Jen asked.
“Yes. She is awake,” he answered, then walked away.
They all went in to see Tracy who was sitting up in bed with a white bandage wrapped around her head.
Steve Miller, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller