Unlikely Lovers

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Book: Unlikely Lovers by Anna Kristell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Kristell
her then got up to get her gift from under the tree. He handed her an exquisitely wrapped box.
    As she touched the sparkly blue and silver paper, she said, “It’s too pretty to open.”
    “But you’ll never see what’s inside if you don’t open it, silly.”
    “Okay, okay…let me see.” She gingerly opened the small box and was delighted with what she found inside. It was a very dainty, small tennis bracelet. She held it up, amazed at the magical glittering of the tiny diamonds. He took it from her and fastened it on her wrist, planting a kiss on her nose as he finished.
    “Cody, it’s beautiful. Thank you so much.” She leaned over and gave him a thank you peck on the cheek. He wasn’t settling for it and pulled her to him for a real kiss.
    She spent much of the day admiring the bracelet. Cody did indeed prepare a feast as promised and the day passed by quietly. As the day came to an end, she thought, this is undoubtedly the best Christmas I’ve ever had.

Chapter 8
    Jessica didn’t have to report back to work until the day after New Year’s so the next few days were divided between catching up on chores, spending days with Missy, and nights with Cody.
    She and Missy drove to the mall to check out the after Christmas sales.
    “So how did it go meeting Andy’s family?” Jessica asked as they relaxed with a cup of coffee after making their purchases.
    “It was good. They’re nice people. Evidently, Andy had pre-warned them we’re only friends, because no one teased us. There was none of the usual trying to get us to kiss under the mistletoe or anything like that.”
    “And he liked the clothes you bought for him?”
    “Yes, he did. He bought me a really cute shirt and a necklace. He said his mom helped him pick it out.”
    “Okay then, I guess all is good.”
    “I love the bracelet Cody bought you. He has good taste. Who would have thought it?”
    “It ’ll always be very special to me. The concert tickets were a big hit. I’m glad I finally figured out what to get him.”
    “You’re glad? You nearly drove me insane, girl ,” Missy teased her friend good-naturedly.
    “I’m sorry, but it had to be just the right gift.”
    “Jess, I’m going to sound like a broken record, but if you’re getting serious about Cody, you need to have a talk with him about your life.”
    “Yes, I do. But not today, let’s go home. I’m ready to put my feet up.”
    “All right, I’m ready, too. What are you doing for New Year’s Eve?”
    “I don’t know yet. I’ve been waiting to see if Cody invites me out or not, how about you?”
    “My mother is coming for a visit, so I’m not going out. She and I will have some quiet time together. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to get together.”
    “Is Andy going to meet your mom?”
    “I don’t know, hadn’t really thought about it. I guess I’ll see what he’s doing.”
    Jessica glanced at her friend. I believe she cares for him more than she is letting on.
    And when New Year’s Eve arrived, Andy did, in fact, spend the evening with Missy and her mother. They attended a party at Andy’s family’s home. When Jessica heard the plans, her every instinct told her Missy and Andy meant more to each other than they were willing to admit.
    Cody invited Jessica out for dinner and dancing. When the clock struck midnight, he pulled her into a kiss on the dance floor. Afterward, he told her, “You know what they say. The person you kiss at midnight is the person you’ll be spending the year with.”
    “Is that what they say?” Jessica laughed and kissed him a gain.

Chapter 9
    The holidays were over and life had gone pretty much back to normal for everyone.
    Jessica had been plagued by numerous calls from Dan all week wanting to work things out.
    “And then there’s Cody,” she told Missy over lunch one day at their favorite café. “We’re still seeing each other, a few nights a week and every weekend. The sex is still hot and I’m

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