My Wild Highlander
    "I do not desire anything beyond saying I
have a 'husband.'"
    "I'm not arguing, my angel." He prided
himself on his diplomacy skills.
    She clenched her jaw. "I wish to leave
immediately after the ceremony for my estate."
    "As do I. I've had enough of London. 'Tis a
foul stink-pot. And I'm missing Scotland."
    She remained silent. How could he convince
her to talk civilly? He wanted to know her better, wanted her to
trust him a wee bit.
    "When were you last in Scotland?" he
    "Eleven years ago."
    "Do you miss it?"
    " Non. I miss France. And my mother."
She strode toward the shade of an arbor covered with climbing
    He followed. "Your mother?"
    "She passed away last year."
    "I'm sorry to hear it, truly."
    Inside the arbor, she sat on a bench and he
joined her.
    "My mother died when I was a wee lad,"
Lachlan said. "I hardly remember her at all. And my father died
five years past. 'Twas hard to get through. I still miss him
    Angelique gave him an assessing look. He
preferred it to her glares.
    "I had not seen my father since my mother
left him and took me to France," she said.
    "When did he pass?"
    "Two months ago."
    He nodded. "Do you wish you had seen him one
last time?"
    She lifted a slim shoulder and stared at her
entwined fingers. "I did not know him, really. He sent for me
several times, but I did not want to return to Scotland."
    "Why not?"
    "He wished to find me a Scottish husband."
She flicked a glare at him.
    "Ah. So, you don't have any brothers or
    " Non. You?"
    "I have one brother who is chief of the
MacGrath clan in the Highlands. He's an earl as well. We're very
close. You would like Alasdair. He is the most honorable of
    She shot him a challenging look. "How can he
be so different from you?"
    "Och, Angelique." Lachlan harbored the small
hope she was teasing him in her own waspish way. "You are too much
like this lovely rose." He fingered the petals of a late season
pink blossom, sniffed the lush scent. "Beautiful, fragile, but your
thorns drive deep."
    This time he caught a glimpse of
vulnerability lurking in the depths of her green-gray eyes. She
needed someone to protect her, someone to teach her how to laugh
again. Someone she could whisper her hopes and dreams to. Aye, he
wished to hear her whispers in his ear at night, and feel her hot
breaths upon his skin.
    "Do not try to seduce me," she muttered. "You
will only be disappointed."
    "I'm not trying to seduce you." Though this
arbor would be a pleasant, secluded place for a tryst, the
seduction would come later.
    " Très bien . Save it for your
    God's teeth. He had never known a woman such
as her. Jealousy was eating her up. That had to mean something.
Mayhap she wanted him all to herself. He grinned and glanced
    "What is it?"
    She stood. "I wish to return to my room."
    "Before you go… I want to give you
something." A fit of nerves seized him, a feeling such as he'd
never before experienced with a woman.
    " Oui . What?"
    What the devil was wrong with him? Just
give it to her. He knelt on one knee and extended his empty
    Her eyes widened and he thought she might
bolt. After a moment, she placed her hand in his.
    "I ken I didn't propose to you and likely
'twould seem silly to do so now." He pulled the golden ring from
inside his doublet. "But I wish to give you this betrothal ring. I
had it specially made for you with this emerald because it reminds
me of your eyes." He slid it into place on her finger, and he was
happy to see it fit perfectly.
    She lifted her hand, examining the ring. "It
is lovely," she whispered. Her gaze softened a wee bit.
" Merci. I thank you, sir." She curtsied.
    "You're welcome." Smiling, he rose and
extended his elbow. "'Twill be my pleasure to escort you to your
room now."
    "I wish to go alone," Angelique said firmly
to combat the sensual way Lachlan had said pleasure.
    The ring was a sweet token, but he could not
win her heart with one piece of jewelry.

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