Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)

Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) by Kristen Luciani Read Free Book Online

Book: Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) by Kristen Luciani Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Luciani
Tags: Unlikely Venture
if you had the chance. It would be an amazing opportunity for you.” With a sigh, Jessica fluffed out her hair. “I’m sorry, it’s just—”
    Haley’s voice softened. “Jess, what’s wrong? Is Dad on your case again?”
    Jessica sat down and toyed with her brush. “No, but then again I haven’t spoken to him since I left the city.”
    “He’s just worried about you.”
    Jessica snorted. “Well, he’s got a strange way of showing it. I can see him being overprotective but he’s downright nasty sometimes. He really has become insufferable over the past few months. I’m so done with it!”
    “Um-hm. I know. But that’s just the way he is. This whole thing with your MS has him on edge. His little girl is sick and he can’t do anything about it except hammer into her ways that she can protect herself. He wanted to kill Drew for leaving you like that. Literally. Mom and I had to talk him off the edge.”
    “Well, I got a very different reaction.” She shuddered and mimicked her father. “Jessica, you really didn’t see this coming? Did you really think Drew was in this for the long haul?”
    Haley sighed. “I know, it was harsh. But I think it was more his frustration with the situation. He was hurting for you and since he’s not the warm fuzzy type, he just reacted with misdirected anger, making you feel a whole lot worse. Believe me, Mom let him have it afterward.”
    “The thing is, I should have seen it coming, Hal. But I was so wrapped up in everything going on with the wedding that I missed the glaring signs. Or maybe subconsciously I just chose to ignore them.”
    “Listen, don’t blame yourself, Jess. He was a loser and him walking away was the best thing that could have happened. You need to find someone great, someone who sees how unbelievable you are and wants to be with you no matter what.”
    Jessica huffed. “It’s hard to dig out of my life enough to find that guy, Hal.”
    “You need to try.” Haley paused again. “How’s Charlie treating you these days?”
    “I can’t escape assholes in my life, in some capacity or other.” She snickered. “I’m working as hard as I can for that promotion. I refuse to let him or anyone else stand in my way. I need to figure out how to rise above his lackey crap so the partners can see how much I’ve done with this consulting practice.”
    “You’re so talented, Jess. I know it’s going to happen for you.”
    “Dad keeps reminding me that I need to keep my focus on work, so I can be self-sufficient and independent. I don’t want to rely on anyone.” She bit her thumbnail.
    “He wants you to be strong so you don’t get hurt again. That’s why he’s so matter-of-fact about your job. He wants you to feel confident that you can sustain yourself, that maybe it’ll help fill the void, you know?”
    Jessica rolled her eyes. “Jeez, Hal, maybe you should tag team with him. He spits out the directives and you sugar-coat them so they’re easier for me to swallow.”
    Haley giggled. “I know he’s tough. But what did you expect from a guy who just wants to protect his little girl? He’s also not one to accept weakness and he uses reverse psychology to strengthen your resolve.”
    Jessica laughed. “Are you sure you’re an editor for Cosmo? Because I think you may have missed your calling as a psychologist.”
    “It’s always good to have a backup plan.” Haley snickered. “You never know when I’ll get tired of haute couture and swag.”
    Jessica’s eyes widened. “Okay so speaking of swag…”
    Haley laughed. “I was waiting for you to ask! There’s a package already on the way. Now do me a favor, forget about all of the bullshit that’s weighing you down and go find some hot guy to smooch. You need that. Actually you need way more than that, but I’m willing to accept baby steps.”
    “Lisa tells me the same thing. You guys are a bad influence.”
    “Whatever. With the two of us looking out for you, there’s no room for

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