
Unmasked by Hope Bolinger Read Free Book Online

Book: Unmasked by Hope Bolinger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hope Bolinger
likely do one of the following if dared to…
    Eat a bug
    Go cliff diving
    Lick the bottom of my shoe
    Dance in a public area full of strangers
    Wear a dead snake as a necklace
    82. You would most likely never catch me doing one of the following...
    Reciting a speech in front of an audience.
    Being alone for more than five minutes
    Wearing any fancy apparel (i.e. Dresses for girls Suits and tuxes for boys)
    Bungee Jumping
    I would do all listed above –”
    The questions lingered for what seemed like hours. At number 84, Noelle noticed that Elm had already finished her test and was now tapping incoherent rhythms with her feet as she waited for everyone else to complete their packets.
    Noelle answered the final question “ You will most likely catch me wearing one of the following: … ” As in a dream, her legs beckoned her forth as she handed her packet to one of the adults who placed it into some machine which resembled something like a printer.
    The adult instructed her to return to her seat, and after she returned, she added on to the steady beat that Elm drummed. Soon enough, the whole rec. center sounded an impromptu rhythm of stomps as the campers awaited the results.
    Some muttering followed as the campers compared test answers with others. Eventually the whole arena was thick with conversation once more until another shuddering silence fell upon the audience as Miss Willows approached the microphone.
    “The TPA, or Test Placement Apparatus, is nearly finished with its scores,” she motioned to a printer-like machine in the corner of the room. “We will hand each of you your results, and in ten minutes, we will instruct you what to do next based on your genre placement.”
    She instructed certain sections of the bleachers to file into a line to receive their scores as Elm groaned impatiently.
    “I hope I get into Adventure,” she intoned, partially to herself. “Sci-Fi would be okay, I guess, but I don’t want to be any stupid damsel-in-distress in Fantasy. Romance would suck too, the girls don’t freakin’ climb in that genre, not to mention those stories are really slow. And Unknown could be all right, but if it’s Dramatic, you can just forget it.”
    Noelle, on the contrary, believed that the dramatic category was perfect for Elm because of the hyperbolic tones she always prattled in her conversations. Secretly she wished that she would end up in Romance or Fantasy just to avoid being in the same genre with Elm.
    Miss Willows finally motioned for her row to receive their packets. Her hands began to shake when a judge finally handed her a packet with her easily recognizable handwriting.
    Elm and Noelle returned to their seats without flipping to the back.
    “I’m afraid to look,” Elm admitted vulnerably. “I mean – this is it. This is what determines where we end up for the rest of our lives…”
    Noelle didn’t need to be reminded.
    “You go first,” Elm pleaded.
    Noelle shook her head, “Together?”
    Elm surrendered in a compromising nod as they flipped to the very back of the packet.
    Noelle bit her lip as she carefully read each word carefully to make sure that she didn’t miss anything.
    CAMPER NAME: Noelle
    AGE: 18
    HEIGHT: 5’4 (162 cm)
    EYE COLOR: Green
    HAIR COLOR:  Dark Brown
    Romance (53%)
    Adventure (21%)
    Unknown (13%)
    Fantasy (8%)
    Sci-Fi (5%)
    “What did you get?” Elm asked anxiously.
    “Romance,” Noelle answered dully not knowing whether this was good or bad news. All she knew was that she didn’t want to end up in the same category with Elm.
    “Oh, well I got Adventure,” Elm beamed obviously indicating that she didn’t hear anything that Noelle just said. “I scored 91% in it, so I guess that I worried myself about nothing.”
    Noelle couldn’t hide a relieved smile knowing that she wouldn’t be seeing much of this girl after they separated to their cabins.
    Miss Willows tapped the microphone once more,

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