Unspoken 2

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Book: Unspoken 2 by A Lexy Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: A Lexy Beck
mentor, I wanted to be there, but I also wanted to extend him that courtesy of grievin’. I had hoped that Dylan would have stepped in more, as needed. It was actually the opposite. Dylan became less helpful, he pushed our company away.”
    “So, Vawter didn’t reach out and ask for help when they discove red the bug in your software?”
    “Oh, sweetie, our software works perfectly. Vawter took it upon themselves to alter our software and essentially broke it. They caused security issues for themselves, an’ us.” Ms. Bennett shook her head. “It all started out so well, and went to hell quickly. We’ve been trying to separate ourselves from this mess. It’s why we contacted Vawter in the first place. To let them know of the holes they created.”
    “Wait...” Dad and I looked at each other with shock. “Security issues? You contacted Vawter?” I asked curiously.
    Alice smirked but it quickly became a sharp frown. “I did. I notified Dylan and when he didn’t respond, an’ we couldn’t get in touch with Cain, we notified their board. An’ that’s how we got to where we are now.”
    Suddenly everything made more sense. I had wondered why Vawter would have reached out to Dunning, Durst and Chandler without having any sort of pending lawsuit. Cain was trying to shake things up and stay ahead of the trouble.
    “So Vawter is essentially blaming Pegasus for everything. Trying to cover their own...” I looked at Dad as if we had just uncovered gold.
    “Jennifer, be careful. Vawter retained us and we cannot be sharing that sort of information with Ms. Bennett.”
    “It’s ok, Jack, I actually shouldn’t be here myself, but I wanted to make sure your group knew what was really goin’ on. I’m worried about Cain an’ what he may have gotten himself into.”
    “Exactly what has he gotten himself into, Ms. Bennett?” I inched closer to her.
    “I’m not a technical person, but I’ll explain it this way. Our software is intended to encrypt data. Anythin’ comin’ or goin’ is run through our software an’ turned into encrypted data. You can’t read it unless you use our software. Think of it as a gatekeeper. Well, Vawter made some changes that allow the gatekeeper to be bypassed. I can’t say how we found about it, but we did.”
    “Couldn’t it just be some outside entity doing this?” I was far from a technical person, barely able to check my email, but I knew there had to be a plausible explanation.
    “I’m sorry, hun, no. We know for a fact, this is happenin’ from inside Vawter. I can’t say much more than that.”
    “You can’t or you won’t?” I felt myself wanting to jump at Ms. Bennett. I wanted to help protect Cain. I knew Dylan was behind this; everythin g seemed to be pointing to him.
    “Jennifer, watch yourself.” Dad stood and extended his hand to Ms. Bennett to help her out of her seat. “Alice, thank you for your help and insight.”
    “By all means, Jack. An’ please, give my best to Cain, when you see him next. I hope we can all work this out. I wouldn’t want to have to take more drastic actions.”
    We exchanged parting pleasantries and I knew Dad would want to stay and talk about everything we had just heard, but I had other plans. I needed to let Cain know what I had just heard, but I also needed to be cautious about how much information I gave him. I knew Cain as my lover, but I didn’t know him as a business person, or how much he was sharing with Dylan. This had to be my secret, for now.
    I left Dad’s office and was met by Cynthia, who was distributing papers and messages. “Jennifer, oh good. Here are some messages for you.” I scanned through the pink slips—one from Ashley Murant, “Please call Cain Parker ASAP.” The second was Reese, asking me to send him a file. “Oh, and Jennifer, there is a visitor waiting for you in your office.” She didn’t say anything else, just smiling secretively and settling down at her keyboard.
    Cain wouldn’t come

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