Unspoken 2

Unspoken 2 by A Lexy Beck Read Free Book Online

Book: Unspoken 2 by A Lexy Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: A Lexy Beck
of it.”
    “I’d love to, but Cain? Let’s keep Ashley out of this. You make the call. I get the feeling she’s onto us, and we really don’t need that right now.”
    “Sure thing. I have to run, I have another call coming in. ‘Til tonight.”
    “‘Til tonight.” I hung up the phone and looked at my reflection in the tall glass window of my office overlooking the river. The smile on my face was permanent. I was happy.
    Cain and I had had our fair share of dinner dates and hot and steamy moments over the last week. I couldn’t get enough of him. I closed my eyes for second, and thought about him standing on the balcony of his house, in those tight jeans and shirtless. His perfect ass and chiseled abs. My smile got bigger and I could feel the tingle in my cheeks moving lower. I shifted in my seat.
    “Jennifer, can you join me in my office for a few minutes?” Dad’s voice startled me and destroyed an otherwise perfect daydream.
    “Sure. I’ll be right there.” I turned toward the door but he was already gone. Now what does he want? For the last week, Reese and I had been pulling in all kinds of leads. We had kept the information about Dylan close to our chests, for the time being. We didn’t want to tip our hands until we had determined exactly what was going on.
    I grabbed my pad and pen and joined Dad in his office.
    “Jennifer, come in.” I could see that Dad wasn’t alone.
    Sitting in a chair across from his desk was an older woman, with short white hair. Her expensive, tailored suit gave away that she was well off and very polished.
    “Good mornin’, Miss Dunnin’, I’m Alice Bennett.” Her southern drawl dropped the ‘g’s from my last name. Her name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it. I reached out and firmly shook her hand.
    “Jennifer, as I’m sure you’re aware…” My father paused and gave me a defining look. “Ms. Bennett is CEO of Pegasus Software Corporation. She’s here to set a few things straight.”
    “Yes, It’s nice to finally meet you.”
    “Thank you, Miss Dunnin’. As I was explainin’ to your father, Cain was in a class I assisted with at Brown. Actually, both Cain and Rachel Murant. I immediately took a likin’ to them. He was sharp. Business savvy. It’s how our companies came to have a sort of partnership.” A seriousness took over her face. “After the semester was over we stayed in touch. It’s also how I met Dylan Rogers. He an’ Cain had a few businesses together.”
    “And how did Rachel fit into this?” I leaned f orward, eager for her response.
    “Rachel kept it all together an’ played referee between Dylan and Cain. I saw Cain as the brains, Rachel as the one who kept it runnin’, an’ Dylan as the techie guy, although I know he wanted more.”
    “So Cain approached you about helping his company?”
    “Yes, he an’ Rachel. Dylan didn’t support it, from what I could tell, but Cain and Rachel overruled him. Unfortunately, after our initial meetin’, I’ve had very little contact with Cain. I spoke primarily with Rachel Murant, the chief operatin’ officer of Vawter, such a pleasant girl.”
    I nodded. “Yes, that’ s what I hear.”
    “She an’ Cain were marvelous together. Such a tragedy what happened with her.” Ms. Bennett paused for a moment, almost as if mourning. “After Rachel, we only dealt with Dylan. In fact, we were told that we could only speak with Dylan.”
    “Who had told you that?” I couldn’t imagine Cain not wanting to discuss business with someone he knew and liked.
    “ Dylan, of course. He was a bit of a controller when it came to anythin’ technical. By then, Vawter had already purchased the rights to our software an’ had been usin’ it for quite some time.”
    “Why not just go directly to Cain?”
    Ms. Bennett bit her bottom lip as she answered. “It was a delicate time for Cain. He had just lost his girlfriend and COO, an’ they were having severe software issues. As his friend and

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