Unstoppable Force (Force of Nature Series)

Unstoppable Force (Force of Nature Series) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online

Book: Unstoppable Force (Force of Nature Series) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
that she was safe weren’t any different than any other person she’d
met in her lifetime. He might be wolf, but that didn’t make him less of a man. And
now that he knew what she was and what she could bring him, he’d soon change
his mind. Closing her eyes, she rubbed her face on the pillow beneath her head.
Everyone wanted the same thing. And never once did anyone think of her and what
her needs were.

    Chapter 5
    Dean walked around the block again. She
had to be here somewhere. She couldn’t have gotten far with that beating he’d
given her just a few days ago. The damned girl owed him. His wife left him
because of her.
    ‘Course it had a little to do with the
gambling, but that was Ginger’s fault too. Had she given him the names of the
horses like he told her, he’d have enough money right now to buy his wife back.
That didn’t mean he really wanted her; nope, he didn’t, but he could right
quick if he wanted to.
    He stepped into the little grocery store
and asked if anyone had seen a pretty little red-headed girl. Dean didn’t
expect that anyone ever would and no one did this time either, but he always
put out his feelers, as he liked to call ‘em. Someone sometime would see the
fucking bitch and tell someone right on down the line until someone remembered
him and called him out. Dean smiled and made his way to the dumpster in the
back after being told that no one noticed anyone. Sure they didn’t.
    This was more like the places where she
hung out. Trash is what she was and trash is what she used. Fucking idiot could
have all she wanted, but she didn’t do nothing to get it. Hell, if he had her
know-how, he’d have everything and twice of it. Smiling, he lifted the lid to
the dumpster and stepped back when the smell nearly made him sick.
    She’d be stupid to eat anything from
this one, but he wouldn’t put nothing past her. She would only have to give him
what he wanted and he’d take care of her fitting her station. Laughing, he
thought about her station. Ginger was trash just like the stuff she dug around
    Dean walked back to the cheap hotel
where he was staying. He figured he had about enough to get him through until
the end of the week. He was hoping he’d have had her by now, but she was being
cagey again. He smiled again when he thought of the last beating he’d given
    It had been three days ago, just the day
before he’d found her again and she’d fallen in the water to get away. Next
time, he’d have something to fish her out with, but he’d been so surprised by
her move that he’d watched her float down the stream until she was too far away
for him to catch.
    She’d been coming out of one of them
hardware stores and her hands were full. Probably good, he supposed, ‘cause she
couldn’t fight him back as well that way. But he’d seen her go in and was
waiting for her when the doors swooshed open. The pop to her jaw knocked all
the things out of her hands and nearly had her fall. But she was fast and had
gotten back up quickly. The next time he’d hit her, it had been in her ribs.
That blow had done some good ‘cause he’d seen the look of pain on her face. After
that, she couldn’t move so good so he’d been able to get in a few more before
some jackass had come up and tore him off her. Frowning, he wondered if he went
back there if he could find the cocksucker and show him to mind his own
business. Nah, he needed to find Ginger and didn’t have time to fuck with some
idiot right now.
    “I’ll get his ass later. Maybe when I
buy out that company, he’ll be the first person I fire.” Dean laughed out loud
at his own funny. “People will know when I come around.”
    The hotel room hadn’t been cleaned. He
supposed it had something to do with him trying to get the broad that had been
in yesterday to blow him. He’d told her several times he’d been kidding. People,
women especially, couldn’t take a fucking joke anymore. The knock at the door
made him

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