Upper Hand (Cedar Tree Book 5)

Upper Hand (Cedar Tree Book 5) by Freya Barker Read Free Book Online

Book: Upper Hand (Cedar Tree Book 5) by Freya Barker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Freya Barker
need a favor.”
    “I’m sorry—you’re where?”
    “At your house, Ma. And you’re not here.” He’s starting to sound irritated, which only pisses me off more.
    “Nope, I’m not. What the heck, Dylan? What is it you need? What’s going on?” I can hear the panicky edge in my voice but I can’t stop it. He’s freaking me out.
    “Ma, I gotta get back in time for work or I’ll lose my job. I have Max with me. Tammy left yesterday. Just took off, leaving Max behind, but clearing out every last penny from my last paycheck. Can you look after him for a couple of days until I get sorted?”
    My head is spinning with all the information he’s slinging at me.
    “Wait—Tammy left? Just like that? Did she say anything?” I fire off questions as soon as they formed in my head, not giving Dylan much of a chance to respond.
    “Jesus, Ma. I gotta get goin or I’ll be late. Can I explain to you later? You coming home?”
    “You’re gonna have to give me ten minutes, I’ll be there in ten, okay?” I’m already out of bed and stumbling toward the bathroom by the time I hang up, when my path is blocked by a very large bulk. Not seeing much more than a shadow, I let out a scream and swing my arm with the phone in my hand, connecting with a solid wall of muscle.
    “Beth! Christ, woman, it’s me. What the heck is going on?”
    Clint. Of course, the crash of the lamp must’ve woken him up if my nasty ringtone hadn’t already. He grabs me by the arms, as much for his own stability I suspect, as mine.
    “Something’s up with Dylan. He’s apparently at my house dropping off Max. Something about Tammy up and leaving last night. He sounds panicky, says he can’t afford to lose his job, which he will if he doesn’t get back to Durango in time for work. I gotta go.”
    I try to push past him, but he holds me firm.
    “Why not tell him to come here?” Clint asks.
    “I was trying not to wake you. I thought I’d be back before you got up. Look, I’ve got to pee and then I gotta go.”
    This time he lets me go but not without a warning.
    “Wait for me to get my pants on. You’re not going off half-cocked in the middle of the night without me. You hear?”
    It’s only because I need to get to my house fast, that I don’t want to start an argument now. Otherwise his bossy ass would get it both barrels. I slam the door shut, quickly relieve myself, and brush my teeth before nearly barreling into him again as he comes out of his bedroom, this time pushing the walker in front of him and wearing clothes.
    “Get dressed,” he barks and I snap out of my stupor and beeline it into  my bedroom, pulling on yesterday’s clothes that I’d left on the end of the bed. By the time I step into the hallway, he’s already walking into the kitchen grabbing the house keys off the counter. I snag my jacket off the dining chair and pat my pocket to see if my keys are in there. With keys in hand, and my phone in my pocket, I join Clint by the open door where he’s waiting. After a bit of a struggle getting the walker folded and in the trunk, we’re off.
    “So what exactly did he tell you?” Clint wants to know.
    “Not much, just what I said, Tammy left taking what little money they had in the bank but leaving that precious baby behind. Who the fuck does that?” The sudden burst of anger at my daughter-in-law is welcome. It distracts from the niggle of fear that is unsettling my stomach.
    “Anything leading up to this? Did you know something was wrong?”
    “Something was causing stress, I know that much. But each time I’d try to talk to Dylan, or even Tammy about it, they said everything was fine. Dylan can’t lose his job, Clint. He’s just started making some decent wages after many years of struggling. I know they have debts to pay off.”
    I hate it. Hate no longer having control over my kid’s wellbeing. It used to feel so burdensome when he was little and there was no one but me looking out for him, but

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