Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy

Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy by Diane Gaston Read Free Book Online

Book: Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy by Diane Gaston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Gaston
    This time she indulged her curiosity and ran her finger along his cheek, which felt like the coarsest sackcloth. “I do not have the razor for you, Gabriel.”
    He rubbed his chin. “I will shave later.”
    From the church seven bells rang.
    “It is seven of the clock. I have slept late.” She slipped out of the tangled covers and his warm arms, and searched for her shift. “I will bring you some water for washing tout de suite. ”
    His brows creased. “Do not delay yourself further. I will fetch the water and take care of myself.”
    She blinked, uncertain he meant what he said. “Then I will dress and begin breakfast.”
    He sat up and ran his hands roughly through his hair. She stole a glance at his muscled chest gleaming in the light from the window. He also watched her as she dressed. How different this morning felt than when she’d awoken next to her husband. Remy would have scolded her for oversleeping and told her to hurry so he could have fresh water with which to wash and shave.
    As she walked out of the room, she laughed to herself. Remy would also have boasted about how more skilled at lovemaking a Frenchman was over an Englishman. Well, this Englishman’s skills at lovemaking far exceeded one Frenchman’s.
    She paused at the top of the stairs, somewhat ashamed at disparaging her husband. Remy had been no worse than many husbands. Certainly he had loved Claude.
    Early in her marriage she’d thought herself lacking as a wife, harbouring a rebellious spirit even while trying to do as her much older husband wished. She’d believed her defiance meant she had remained more child than grown woman. When Remy dictated she and Claude would accompany him to war, she’d known it would not be good for their son. She had raged against the idea.
    But only silently.
    Perhaps her love for Remy would not have withered like a flower deprived of sun and water, if she’d done what she knew had been right and kept Claude in France.
    Emmaline shook off the thoughts and hurried down the stairs to the kitchen to begin breakfast, firing up her little stove to heat a pot of chocolate and to use the bits of cheese left over from the night before to make an omelette with the three eggs still in her larder. Gabriel came down in his shirtsleeves to fetch his fresh water and soon they were both seated at the table, eating what she’d prepared.
    “You are feeding me well, Emmaline,” he remarked, his words warming her.
    She smiled at the compliment. “It is enjoyable to cook for someone else.”
    His eyes gazed at her with concern. “You have been lonely?”
    She lowered her voice. “ Oui, since Claude left.” But she did not want the sadness to return, not when she had woken to such joy. “But I am not lonely today.”
    It suddenly occurred to her that he could walk out and she would never see him again. Her throat grew tight with anxiety.
    She reached across the table and clasped his hand. “My night with you made me happy.”
    His expression turned wistful. “It made me happy, too.” He glanced away and back, his brow now furrowed. “I have duties with the regiment today, but if you will allow me to return, I will come back when you close the shop.”
    “ Oui! Yes.” She covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh, I cannot, Gabriel. I have no food to cook and I have slept too late to go to the market.” She flushed, remembering why she’d risen so late.
    His eyes met hers. “I will bring the food.”
    Her heart pounded. “And will you stay with me again?”
    Only his eyes conveyed emotion, reflecting the passion they’d both shared. “I will stay.”
    The joy burst forth again.

    Gabe returned that evening and the next and the next. Each morning he left her bed and returned in the evening, bringing her food and wine and flowers. While she worked at the shop, he performed whatever regimental duties were required of him. It felt like he was merely marking time until he could see her again.
    They never spoke

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