Vampire Lords of Blacknall: Trinity

Vampire Lords of Blacknall: Trinity by Shirl Anders Read Free Book Online

Book: Vampire Lords of Blacknall: Trinity by Shirl Anders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirl Anders
Tags: vampire
herself, buttoning from the bottom to the top, but the last two buttons wouldn’t close over her bosom. It seemed extremely important to her that they should close and tears burned her eyes again that she couldn’t get them shut.
    Trinity held himself rigid against striking and taking the virgin’s blood, even as it pounded in his veins with the demand to do so. Never had the demand for a human’s blood been so strong. He’d never experienced a test as severe and he knew it was about to get worse as he sensed the rapidly beating heart in the tender, nude virgin at his feet.
    He wanted to howl as he lifted his face, flipping back heavy wedges of his long hair. He breathed in the cold night air as his mind went through a mantra he used when he trained his body to fight. A minute later, some of the tenseness left him as he silently intoned the mantra. He was stronger than his urges. He willed his fangs back and his fingernails to recede. He knew the yellow predator in his eyes cooled.
    “I will not be a foul beast that hunts without morality,” he rumbled from deep inside.
    He had to get the woman out of the woods to safety. There were many problems with all that had happened within the hollow hours of morning and the consequences of it all touched his thoughts. Nevertheless, he focused on the immediate need, and he wondered once he picked the woman up into his arms and he started to carry her from the woods, where the hell was he going to take her?
    Something about it angered him and when he bent down there was fiercer growling in his voice than he intended. “Grasp my shoulders. I will take you out of these woods.”
    The woman made a feminine yelp of fright and she scooted away from him with pale, shapely legs showing and his hunting jacket losing the battle to cover her large, plump breasts. At that moment, it seemed as though scattered moonlight through the lifting fog chose her naked breasts to gleam upon. He could feel the hot blood pumping through her veins, the virgin cove between her thighs, and his erection’s interested lust for her ripe, curving body. It posed a three-way attack against his willpower. Why this virgin? This had never happened before .
    “I do not have the prudent time to hold out and calm your sensibilities, maiden,” Trinity snarled as he strode to the girl, and then he grasped her arms with his superior strength.
    “Just let me go!” she cried, and then she squealed as he swung her upward and planted her struggling body over his shoulder.
    “And just where would you go in these dark woods with that foul monster trying to kill you, maiden?” Trinity mocked her ridiculous pleas as his wide hand clamped over the creamy-textured flesh of her outer thigh.
    His eyeteeth pricked as the cloud of her temptations worked to overpower his resolve again, and she responded with crying accusations. “You are the monster!”
    Incensed with more than fury, he growled like the beast he could be as he started forward swiftly through the woods. “I’ve not hurt you, have I?”
    The girl was frantically trying to hold down his jacket over her bare ass upended over his shoulder, while her other hand was clutched like a claw of nails through his shirt and into his back.
    Pain was good , he thought. It could make the un-dead feel alive. But as he rushed through the forest carrying his bleeding, nubile virgin, a thought relentlessly scratched at him. Why was the woman not affected by his bloodlust and his carnally aroused allure? Normally, when a male vampire’s lust became fixated with a woman in close proximity, he exuded an appeal that enslaved and mesmerized the woman he lusted for. It couldn’t be stopped. If a vampire’s shaft was hard, the unwilling became willing.
    He despised it.
    Beth couldn’t believe the strength of the man that carried her. She wanted him to be a man. He spoke like a man, so she made him a man. Not a beast. It felt better when she decided he was a man named Trinity, and he

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