attention. He moved to
face her, flicking the flogger lightly over her breasts, the ends of the
leather kissing her tight nipples, wrapping around each hip.
Her eyes slid half closed as she grew accustomed to the
sensation, signaling to Derek that she needed a deeper stroke. He flicked his
hand and the leather tails cracked across her mons. Her eyes opened wide and
she let out the smallest moan. He raised his hand again and snapped his wrist
down harder. The flesh along the front of her thighs started to glow pink.
Derek watched Elise in wonder. Already her lips were red and
damp, her nipples tight and swollen with excitement. For the first time he
wondered if maybe he’d been wrong, if maybe Elise could fill her place not only
as his love, but as his beloved submissive.
He let the flogger sting over her from neck to thighs,
marking every inch of bare white skin with thin pink lines of sensation. He
covered her front with his marks, gritting his teeth in an almost primal
satisfaction at the sight, then moved to repeat the process on her back. She
was twisting slightly under the blows, giving breathy little cries that stroked
over his dick like a feather. So beautiful. So his.
Once he’d layered another round of lashes over her creamy
skin, he stepped back to survey the result. Her eyes were big and damp. She
looked unsettled but not upset. Her body was flushed a deep pink from her neck
to the tops of her fishnet stockings. He circled her slowly, enjoying the sight
of her full ass glowing red from his flogger.
Setting the flogger aside, Derek moved in close behind her.
He had a sudden craving to taste her silky skin, to feel the heat of her
against his tongue. He crouched, blowing lightly against the base of her spine
and laughing a little as she shuddered in reaction. Still smiling, he traced a
heart on the sensitive spot before dragging his tongue up the length of her
spine. She moaned softly when he tickled the soft hollow behind her ear with
the tip of his tongue, and whimpered more sharply when he nipped at her lobe
with impatient teeth.
“You taste so sweet, Lise,” he whispered hotly. Reaching
around her, he cupped the full globes of her breasts, squeezing deeply. He
didn’t let his touch become brutal, but he did let her feel the power in his
grip. Her back arched. She pressed her breasts tighter into his grasp and
ground her ass against his groin.
“Nuh-uh, baby,” he scolded, releasing her breasts and moving
his hips out of her range. “I get to do the touching.”
She stopped the movement but he could feel the tension
vibrating in her, as if it took a lot of effort to remain still. He smiled.
This might be a completely new and unprecedented turn for their sex life, but
Elise’s reactions were right in character. She was a take-charge woman—take no
prisoners, no holds barred. Giving over even this much power must rankle.
He had a burning need to make her give over even more.
Stepping away from her, Derek moved back to the control
panel on the wall. With the press of a button he lowered the bar her hands were
restrained to enough for her to step off the platform. When he was satisfied
she had enough slack, he moved back in front of her, wrapping one hand around
her hip to steady her.
“Step down and stand here.” He indicated a spot about four
feet in front of the platform. She did as he said without comment, her big blue
eyes damp and locked on his face.
“Elise?” Her lips parted and her gaze became questioning.
“Eyes on the floor, baby. You don’t get to look at my face unless I give you
permission.” Those gorgeous eyes shimmered with irritation and that luscious
mouth closed and pressed into a firm line, but she obeyed, again without
comment. “Excellent, baby,” he praised her, letting his amusement show in his
voice. Her eyes narrowed in offense, but she held her tongue. Pity. He’d have
enjoyed punishing her for being mouthy. She’d have enjoyed it, too.
Once he was certain
Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi
Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages