 Water fountains glow with a myriad of colors illuminated from
within the bubbling waters.  A large white tent has been erected
and tables set out, each one lavishly adorned with platters spilling
over with fresh fruits and steaming meats.  My stomach growls as
I take my place beside Eamon and Aminah and dig in.
    As the moon begins
to rise in the sky I push my plate aside, too full to eat another
bite.  Laughter and the murmur of voices fills the air.  I
sink back into my chair and smile at the people I call my own.  My
friends from Earth.  Soldiers I have fought alongside.  Parents
we have reclaimed.  Never before have I been surrounded by such
    “It is a shame
Alesta was unable to attend tonight,” Eamon says as he reaches
for my hand, twining his fingers with mine.  I nod, remembering
how desperately sad my friend had been when she discovered that she
would not be able to attend.  Freed from Aloysius’ service
as my handmaid, Alesta has returned to her homeland.  I suspect
that she has a special guy waiting for her, though I have not pressed
her on the issue.  Now that she is free we have maintained a
friendship, but I no longer allow her to be my servant.  I will
never again have a servant.
    “She would
have loved the sculptures.”   Looking out over the
garden I can’t help but admire the ice sculptures that Alesta’s
brother Carleon arranged to have fashioned for the event.  Apparently
his blushing bride Anwen has a talent that no one thought to tell us
about until just recently.  I smile at the realization at how
much all of us have changed.  Each of us have found our true
loves.  We are starting out our new lives, treading into waters
previously thought to be too perilous and now, sitting here among my
friends, I know this is exactly how it was always meant to be.
sure Anwen will be more than happy to design more for Alesta’s
    I grin and tilt my
head to the side, casting a glance at Carleon as he leans in to
whisper in his wife’s ear.  His hand is placed
possessively on her swelling belly.  The first child among us.
 “I have a feeling she is going to have her hands pretty
full soon.”
    Eamon raises our
hands and presses mine to his lips.  His gaze is gentle and
filled with love.  “That could be us someday.”
    “It will be.”
 I turn to look up at him and feel warmth begin to seep into my
cheeks.  It never ceases to amaze me how Eamon can affect me so
    My attention is
drawn away by the tinkling of glass.  I turn to look at Kyan who
stands on a raised platform, his glass and fork in hand.  A hush
falls over the space as Kyan clears his throat.  
    “I know many
of you thought this day would never come.  Most of all my lovely
Zahra.”  Ripples of laughter spread through the small
group as she enthusiastically nods in agreement.  “None of
us would be here tonight without the prodding and support of one very
special lady.  Illyria, would you please stand?”
    Flustered, I look to
Eamon for support but he simply smiles and nods in encouragement.  I
rise and place my napkin beside my plate, feeling awkward to be put
on the spot.  “I would like to propose a toast.  To
Illyria, our queen and our friend.  Without your help none of us
would be here today.”
    “To Illyria!”
blush furiously at the rousing cry and following applause.  I
wave them off, feeling as if my cheeks have been set alight as I move
to sit but stop short.  There, in the shadows just beyond Kyan
is the man I saw at the wedding.
    His hair falls about
his shoulder in waves of raven black, veiling the intensity of his
eyes as the wind blows the find strands across his face.  His
jaw is set tight as his gaze roams the dining area.  His hands
are clasped at his back, his legs shoulder width apart.  Ever
the attentive soldier.  His gaze sweeps back and the instant he
settles on me I feel faint.
know him!   One
glimpse at the wedding was not

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