Vulcan's Woman

Vulcan's Woman by Jennifer LaRose Read Free Book Online

Book: Vulcan's Woman by Jennifer LaRose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer LaRose
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Science-Fiction, Romance
“But you’ve not yet accepted a man inside you. Am I right?”
    Heat rose to her cheeks. She swallowed, fluttering her
eyelids closed, and nodded shyly.
    “Look at me, Wisteria.”
    Her lids twitched open and she peered into the most
compassionate, endearing eyes she’d ever witnessed on a man. It set him inside
a special place in her heart.
    “Am I right?” he repeated.
    His thumb rolled her bottom lip. “I can force myself upon
you and take you against your will.”
    She gulped. “I know.”
    “As any man could.”
    Again she nodded.
    “It’s why you should never wander alone.”
    “But this lake is a safe place. Neither the Mountain Slayers
nor the Flesh Eaters will come here for fear of the two-headed snake. And the
    “Will do what?” He smiled and her belly did a nervous flip.
    “They only come out at night,” she insisted.
    “Do they now?”
    He rolled her lower lip a second time. “It takes just one
disobedient member to fall into your footsteps, Wisteria.”
    “I’m aware of that.”
    “Who am I?” He lowered his face and patted his lips against
hers but didn’t break eye contact as he kissed her in between each spoken word.
“From what tribe do I belong?”
    “A…a—” She paused to catch her breath. “A peace-seeking
tribe much like mine.”
    “Are you sure?”
    It had to be. He was gentle and affectionate and he kissed
her as though she were a delicate flower. He’d said any man could take her
against her will but he hadn’t. He hadn’t even tried. That wasn’t the mannerism
of a brutal tribesman.
    A faint but persistent squawk penetrated her ears. She
glanced at the lake’s edge where the little creature tapped its foot on the
water as if building courage to step in. She placed her fingers on Vulcan’s
huge arms and took a step away. She immediately regretted the absence of his
protective embrace but Birmon requested her attention at the moment. “Birmon,
go home. Your momma is going to worry. I don’t want to have to answer to her.”
    “I’m sure you don’t,” Vulcan declared. “I bet she’s not as
innocent or forgiving as that little guy.”
    “You think it’s a boy?”
    “I don’t know. His spikes are blue, so I think it’s a safe
bet. Most birds with blue coloring are male.”
    “What if he follows me home? What will I do with him?”
    Vulcan stepped on shore but Birmon didn’t move. “Come,
Wisteria.” Vulcan held out his hand. The moment she stood beside him on dry
land, Birmon wobbled to her feet and lay down, pulling his wings over his head.
    “Oh no. Now what?”
    “I don’t know.” Vulcan chuckled. “What an affectionate
    Her eyes shot from the creature to Vulcan. “Where do you
think he came from?”
    “Maybe they’re migrating to the warmth of our land from a
colder planet.”
    She squeezed Vulcan’s hand. “I don’t know what that is.”
    “This,” he lifted his arm and gestured at their
surroundings, “is a planet. There are many more in the sky.” He removed a few
strands of hair from her cheek and tucked them behind her ear, allowing his
fingers to linger longer than necessary, but she didn’t mind. Not at all.
    Vulcan tilted her chin and studied her eyes before pulling
her against his body. She melded along his powerful chest. “I must go. I told
my sister I’d be right back. My brother and one of our women are missing and I
don’t want my sister to worry about me too. I’d rather…” she said through a
staggered breath but her words trailed off as he lowered his mouth to hers and
parted her lips.
    Her lids instinctively threatened to close but she held them
open and gazed into his eyes as he skillfully toyed with her tongue. Once again
her knees weakened and he tightened his arm at her waist.
    He broke the kiss and placed his lips beside her ear. “I
wish we had more time,” he said, his voice a husky whisper. “I want you,
Wisteria. I want to lay you down on my fur

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