Waiting for Perfect

Waiting for Perfect by Kelli Kretzschmar Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Waiting for Perfect by Kelli Kretzschmar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelli Kretzschmar
her anywhere.   I’m just
wondering if you’ve seen her.”   My
voice is sounding agitated now, and Sebastian examines me with a cocked head to
decide if I’m serious.
    He shrugs and turns
his attention to the kids dancing.   “No, man.   I haven’t seen her.   She’s hot though.   So if you’ve got a thing for her, I
totally approve.”
    “I don’t have a
thing for her.   Shit, dude.   Forget it.”   Why does everything with Sebastian have to be about getting
girls?   Does he ever care about a
girl’s wellbeing, or is he always strictly in it for the sex?
    He answers my
unspoken question by saying, “There are way too many chicks on the dance floor,
and not enough… me .   Do you mind if I leave you for a while
to go dance?”   He peers at me over
his cup.   “Unless, you’re coming
    I shake my
head.   “I don’t dance –
especially to this kind of music.”
    “Alright, well I’m
going.   Emma is over there.   I know she’s a freaky psycho-whore, but
shit, she looks amazing tonight.”
    My cousin and his
appreciation for the female body.   “Sure, man.   Go for it.   Maybe she can spill her drink all over you now.”
    He laughs before
downing the rest of his beer and trotting off toward the patio.   I watch as he jumps right in and moves
to the music.   He’s actually a
really good dancer.   Within seconds,
he’s got three girls with their hands all over him.   How did I inherit the oddity gene while my cousin seems to
have all his shit together?
    I scan the backyard
for Kendra but still can’t find her, so I decide to go back inside to look
around.   Worrying about Kendra was
not on my agenda tonight, but it’s better than sitting on the sidelines
watching girls drool over my cousin.
    When I get inside,
I glance over to the pool table to see if she’s returned to her friends.   Lexi is hanging all over Troy.   Megan has found some new guy to
torture.   The quiet one, Candace,
is holding her own on the table.   Still no Kendra.   Or
    There’s concern in
my gut.   From the way she was
brushing him off earlier, I can’t believe she would have gone off with him somewhere.   I decide to walk around the house to
look for her.   Does that make me a
stalker?   Maybe.   But it’s an epic house, and I wouldn’t
mind looking around anyway.
    I walk to the
kitchen and through the hallway toward the bathroom.   A few people say hi to me.   It seems I’m not a complete outcast after all.   After looking around the first floor, I
climb the stairs to the second.   The balcony overlooks the foyer and pool table.
    There are people
making out by the balcony rail.   Their slurping sounds are disgusting, so I move past them quickly.   The first door on the right is
open.   I flip the light switch on
the wall to see an empty office.
    Walking further
down the hall, I knock on the door to the left.   A girl’s voice says, “Go away!”   I know it’s not Kendra, so I do as I’m told and bolt.
    The third door is slightly
open, and dim lighting is coming through the crack.   I peek through the slit just enough to see some movement
under the blankets on the bed.   Embarrassed,
I turn to leave, but then I glimpse caramel hair splayed over the pillow.
    Some part of my
brain is screaming to move away from the door and leave her to it.   Whatever she – and most likely
Ryan – are up to in that bed is none of my business.   But a bigger part of me wants to barge
in there, ask her what the hell she is doing, and punch Ryan in the face.
    Kendra’s top is
crumpled on the carpet next to the bed, along with a lacey, pink bra.   I stand there looking at the scene like
a dumbass and don’t even notice when I lean forward enough to make the door
squeak on its hinges.   The movement
on the bed ceases.   I try to hold
my breath and stand completely still, but it’s too late.
    The blanket rolls
back, and Ryan’s blockhead turns toward the doorway.  

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