
Wanderlust by Danielle Steel Read Free Book Online

Book: Wanderlust by Danielle Steel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Steel
her, but he was standing on the landing looking down at her as she yanked the front door open. One day you'll come to your senses, Audrey. One day you'll get tired of mothering her, and taking care of your grandfather and running everyone's house but your own, and when that happens, give me a call. I'll be waiting. His words were answered by the door slamming behind her, and she ran all the way to her car, a sob caught in her throat, which exploded as she started the car and drove toward El Camino Real.
    But what if he was right? ' what if that was all her life consisted of? ' taking care of Grandfather and Annabelle forever ' she was twenty-six years old and she had no real life of her own. But she didn't really mind it. She was always so busy ' and then she felt gnawing despair as she remembered his words again ' she was busy ordering drapes and hiring servants ' and folding baby blankets for someone else ' she had no real life of her own. She didn't even have time to take photographs these days. She hadn't touched her camera in months, and all the dreams she had once had of adventure and travel had waited ' but for what? What was she waiting for? For Grandfather to die? What if he lived for another fifteen years, or even twenty ' he could have lived to be one hundred and one. His own grandfather had lived to one hundred and two, and his parents had died well into their nineties ' and then what? ' how old would she be? She would be in her forties then with half a lifetime wasted ' little Winston would be grown ' . For the first time in her life, she suddenly felt as though life had passed her by, and she had a feeling of mounting panic all the way home, which almost exploded in her as she walked into the front hall and found her grandfather in a rage, waving his cane at two maids and the butler. The chauffeur had smashed up his car that afternoon, when he'd hit the cable car as he came around the corner, and her grandfather had fired him on the spot, ordered him out of the car, and driven the Rolls home himself. It was parked somewhat erratically outside, and he looked flushed and irate as he waved his cane now at Audrey.
    And what's the matter with you? Can't you even hire me a decent chauffeur! He had had the same man for seven years, and had been extremely pleased with him until then, but suddenly Audrey was looking at them all with wild eyes, and exploding in incoherent sobs as she mounted the stairs to her room two at a time, thinking that Harcourt had been right. That was all she was good for ' worse still, it was all anyone cared about, the only light in which people saw her ' hiring and firing servants and running their homes ' her dreams had been all but forsaken. She lay on her bed and sobbed, and it was in total amazement that her grandfather knocked on her door a little while later. He had never seen her like that and he was terrified. Something had to have happened to her, and it had, but it was nothing she could explain to him. She had no intention of betraying Harcourt to him. And he wasn't really what mattered in all this. What mattered was how she felt, and the realization she had come to, all at once. And she knew just as surely that she had to do something about it now. Before it was too late.
    Audrey? ' Audrey ' my dear ' Her grandfather moved cautiously into the room, and she sat up, her face red and streaked with tears, like a child, the navy suit all askew. She was still wearing her navy and white spectator pumps as she lay on the bed. My dear, what's wrong? ' She only shook her head, crying still and trying to regain her composure. How was she going to tell him? How was she going to leave? But she knew she had to now. She couldn't wait any longer. It was time to get away from the maids and the butler and the soft-boiled eggs at breakfast, the rituals, and Annabelle, and even her new baby. She had to get away from all of them, before it was too late for her.
    Grandfather ' Her eyes sought his, and from

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